Вправи: Граматичний матеріал: Present Simple. Аудіювання

Вправи до предмету Англійська мова, 5 клас

Тема:Граматичний матеріал: Present Simple. Аудіювання

Present perfect simple

We use the present perfect simple:

  1. To talk about duration of events and actions that started in the past and are still going on, with for (a period of time) or since (a point in time).
  2. To talk about events which have recently occurred.
  3. With phrases which are linked to the present, e.g.: yet, already, just, ever, never, so, far, up till now, recently.
  4. To talk about actions which are repeated up to the present.
  5. To talk about a recent past event which has present relevance.
  6. With a superlative to talk about experience.

1. Provide questions for these answers:

  •  ____________________________?
  •  Yes I have. I went to London last year.
  •  ____________________________?
  •  No, I haven´t. I´ve never been to Paris.
  •  ____________________________?
  •  She´s lived in Lisbon for five years.
  •  ____________________________?
  •  They´ve worked in this office since 2002.


2. Complete the sentences with for and since and the Present Perfect of the verbs in brackets.

We __________ (not/watch) TV ____ tree days.
Mark __________ ( not/ eat) anything __________ this morning.
Mary __________ (study) French __________ five years.
My father (not/smoke) a cigarette __________ 2004.
Susan __________(be) ill in bed __________ last Monday.


3. Write the following sentences in the Present Perfect using the words given. Do not change their meaning.

It´s two years since I had a new bike.
I haven´t __________________________________________.
The last time they gave a concert was 3 years ago.
They haven´t _________________________________________.
It´s ages since I last saw Mary.
We haven´t __________________________________________.
This is the first time we´re going to a disco with our friends.
So far ______________________________________________.


Надіслано вчителем міжнародного ліцею „Гранд” Чистяковою О.А.

Предмети > Англійська мова > Англійська мова 5 клас > Граматичний матеріал: Present Simple. Аудіювання > Граматичний матеріал: Present Simple. Аудіювання. Задачі та вправи,самоперевірка