Домашня робота на тему «Describing People»

Домашня робота до предмету Англійська мова, 8 клас
Тема уроку «Проектна робота (описання свого товариша)»

Describing  People
Англ. мова, 8 кл, тема 108, рис.1.jpg


I. Introduction
Para. 1 - name of the person, age, time/place you met him/her

II. Main Body
Para. 2 -  physical appearance
Para. 3 -  personality characteristics
Para. 4 -  activities he/she takes part in: hobbies, interests

III. Conclusion
Para. 5 -  comments/feelings about the person

   My best friend, Susan, is one of the nicest people I know. She is 14 years old and she lives in London, too. I have known her for seven years. We met at school when my family moved to this area.

   Susan is a pretty girl. When you meet her, the first thing you notice is her broad friendly smile. She is quite short and slim. She has got a fair complexion, an attractive round face with large green eyes, full lips and a slightly upturned nose. Her long curly hair is dark brown and she often wears it loose.
   My friend is a kind person who will always listen to your problems and give you good advice and support. Susan has a great sense of humour and she is optimistic: she always sees the positive side of even the most difficult situation. She is very sociable and extremely generous to other people, but she can be really impulsive at times.
   I never get bored when I’m with Susan. We both love outdoor activities. One of our favourite hobbies is cycling. We usually go cycling in the park at weekends when we have more free time. She also enjoys reading and drawing. Susan likes going to the cinema and is especially fond of adventure films. 
   Over the years, I have shared many good things with Susan. She has always been my most reliable friend. I’m sure she’s the best friend anyone could have.

Надіслано вчителем Міжнародного ліцею «Гранд» Афанасьєвою Л.А.

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