Домашнє завдання: Знайомство з новою лексикою по темi «В магазині». Аудіювання.

Домашнє завдання до предмету Англійська мова, 9 клас
Тема:  «Знайомство з новою лексикою по темi «В магазині». Аудіювання.»

Topic 9   

Shopping is a part of our daily life. For some people it’s a pleasant pastime, while for others it’s an everyday routine. There are people who hate going shopping. They usually make a list of what they need and run through shops buying the necessary things. But there are a lot of people who love shopping and go from shop to shop looking for goods of better quality and lower prices.

I’d like to say that at present shopping has become more exciting than it used to be several decades ago. Today people do a lot of shopping or at least window-shopping every day. There are different shops and supermarkets in large cities and even in small towns.

Supermarkets are big self-service shops where you can buy various goods. Everything from quick-frozen food to washing powder, from shoe polish to new-laid eggs, from tinned fish to tooth paste can be bought there. All these things are displayed in such a way that people are often tempted to buy things they don’t need. It’s so called marketing trick; that’s why it’s better to make a shopping list before going to a shop.

However, many people prefer to buy food at the market. Local people sell fruit and vegetables from their gardens and they are fresher and cheaper there. You can also bargain a bit over prices.


If you are going to buy some clothes, electric appliances or souvenirs and so on, the best place to visit is a big shopping centre. People usually enjoy buying goods in such places, as they can make all their purchases under one roof and it’s very convenient.  Modern shopping centres offer their customers different sales as well as special services such as a travel agency or a dry-cleaner’s for example.

Those who dislike shopping can order goods from catalogues or shop on-line and it’s becoming more and more popular. Today you can buy everything on the Internet starting with books and finishing with clothes. It’s much cheaper and time-saving.

As for me, I prefer ...
In the end I’d like to say that shopping can be both a necessity and a pleasure, and certainly we can’t do without it.

Надіслано вчителем міжнародного ліцею „Гранд” Афанасьєвою Л.А.

Предмети > Англійська мова > Англійська мова 9 клас > Знайомство з новою лексикою по темi «В магазині». Аудіювання. > Знайомство з новою лексикою по темi «В магазині». Аудіювання. Домашнє завдання