Знайомство із новою темою „Шкільні предмети”. Аудіювання та читання діалогу.

Гіпермаркет Знань>>Англійська мова>>Англійська мова 4 клас. Повні уроки>> Англійська мова: Знайомство із новою темою „Шкільні предмети”. Аудіювання та читання діалогу. Повні уроки


Мета уроку

1. Знайомство з лексикою з теми "Шкільні предмети".

2. Формування навичок аудіювання.

3. Формування навичок говоріння. 

Хід уроку


Hello, pupils. I'm glad to see you! Today we are going to learn a new topic which is called "School subjects".

Відео 1. English vocabulary

Знайомство з новою лексикою

Look at the pictures and spell the names of the subjects you see here:

Учні називають предмети, вчитель перекладає їх назви.







 Physical training 



Good for you! Now open your dictionaries and write down the words you will need to learn:


Вчитель читає текст 2 рази, а учні виконують вправи після тексту.

Now I will read you the text, you will listen to it attentively and do the exercises after it. 

My favourite subject

My name is John, I am a pupil of the 11th form. We learn a lot of different subjects  at school. They are: Mathematics, Biology, Literature, English, History, Geography and many others. I know that all subjects are important and I must study them attentively but there are some subjects I don’t like. It is difficult for me to study Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics because I don’t always understand them. But I like such subjects as History, Literature and English very much because I like to read books, speak foreign languages and write composition on different topics. English is my favourite subject. I like to read stories and news in English and try to translate them, do a lot of grammar exercises and watch English movies. When I finish school I will go the university and will become a teacher of English. I need to pass my exams with high marks that is why I must know English very well and do my best at school.

Now answer the questions on the text.

1. What subjects does John study at school?

2. What are his favourite subjects? Why?

3. What subjects John doesn’t like? 

4. Why it is difficult for John to study Chemistry and Mathematics?

5. What books does he like to read?

6. Where John will go after school?

7. Does he want to be a teacher or a professor?

8. Why does John must know English well?

Say whether the sentence is true or false:

1. John is a pupil of the 10th form.

2. He likes to learn English, Literature and History.

3. John will become an engineer after the university because he likes Physics and Mathematics.

4. John reads English books, likes to watch Russian movies and write poems.

5. John is going to study in the university after school.

6. He likes to write compositions and learn formulas.

7. John likes English more than other subjects.

Усне мовлення з використанням нової лексики

I want you to tell me a short story. I will give you a sentences and you will fill them with the necessary phrases. This is how you will create a story. You can use your dictionary.

- My name is... I am a pupil of the ... form of the school number...My school starts at...We have subjects:...My favourite subject is...I like it very much because...I am not good at... and it is not easy for me to learn...But I am good at ... and I get high marks for it.

Read the sentences and guess what lesson is described.

Вчитель зачитує речення, а учні вгадують, про який предмет іде мова.

1. You do a lot of experiments during this lesson (Chemistry).

2. You read books, stories and poems bu different authors and discuss them  (Literature).

3. You use calculators to do the tasks at this lesson (Math).

4. Before this lesson you warm up and then run and jump in the gum (Physical Training).

5. You learn a lot of facts about different countries (Geography).

6. At this lesson you learn about kings and queens (History).

7. You draw portraits and make different things during this lesson (Art).

You study a lot of subjects at school but each of you have different opinions about  every subject. For example, for some of you Math is difficult and for some it is interesting. So now I want you to choose any subject and write down several words about it, what you think of it. To make it easier for you I will give you a list of helpful words:

  • interesting
  • boring
  • easy to learn
  • difficult
  • useful
  • important
  • necessary
  • favourite

Now make up sentences with the words you wrote down and explain why do you think so.  

For example, English is interesting for me because...

Now we will do an interesting task. You will watch video about school subjects and remember the names of the subject. In the end you will do a very simple test. Be attentive!

Відео 2.

Now name 5 school subjects you like the most.

В кінці відео вчитель буде зупиняти його для того, щоб учні могли вгадати, який предмет мається на увазі.

Відео 3.

Good for you! You heard some new school subjects names in the video. What were they? Write them down.

Politics – політика

Economy – економіка

Кінець уроку

Well, you worked very good today! Thank you for the attention andgoodbye.

Список використаних джерел:

1. Підручник "Английский шаг за шагом".  Бонк Н.А., Левина И.И., Бонк И.А.

2. Підручник Б.Голицинский "Грамматика английского языка. Сборник упражнений"

3. Урок английского языка на тему "Школьные предметы". Игнатьевская Татьяна Николаевна,учитель английского языка, высшая квалификационная категория.

 Скомпоновано та відредактовано Медведєвою Ксенією

Над уроком працювали

Ігнатьєвська Т. М.

Любименко В.

Мєдвєдєва К.

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Предмети > Англійська мова > Англійська мова 4 клас. Повні уроки > Знайомство із новою темою „Шкільні предмети”. Аудіювання та читання діалогу. Повні уроки