Практикум: Семестрове оцінювання з письма (Англійська мова 7 клас)
Практикум до предмету Англійська мова, 7 клас
Тема «Семестрове оцінювання з письма»

Director’s 2nd sem. Test Paper for class  7  (variant 1)

Date…………                   Student’s  name………………

I. Fill in the correct word.

- Good evening, Riverside restaurant. How can I help you?
- Hello. I’d like to ……………….. a table for tomorrow night.

2. If you don’t ………………..up, the concert will start before we get there.

3. The campaign was started ……………….. students of our school.

4. Zoos help to preserve ……………….. species.

5. If you don’t get up now, you ……………….. be late for school.

6. You don’t ……………….. to wash the dishes. I’ll do it later.

7. The volcanic ………………… destroyed most of the town.

8. Aluminium cans and waste paper should ……………….. recycled.

9. You can use olive oil to ……………….. squeaky doors.

10 Would you like ……………….. more coffee?

11. Ultraviolet ……………….. can cause cancer.

12. Euro Disney is probably the most popular tourist

3. I’m looking ……………….. to my winter holiday.

14. The room was filled ……………….. smoke.

15. My house has already ………. painted.

II. Complete the sentences with will or am/ is/ are going to.

1. A: I’m hot.     B: Are you? I …………………………. open the window.

2. A: John writes wonderful stories.     B: I know. I think he ………… be a famous writer one day.

3. A: Why have you bought so much food?     B: Because I ………………………… have a dinner party.

4. A: If you finish you homework soon, I ………………………… take             you to walk the dog with me.     B: That’s great! 

5. A: Have you decided where to go on holiday?     B: Yes. We ………………………… visit our grandparents.

III. Circle the correct item.

1. He denied ………. the watch.
A   steal        B   to steal    C   stealing

2. Ben’s interested in ………. karate lessons.
A   to take    B   taking    C   take

3. His parents always tell him he must ………. harder.
A   study    B   studying    C   to study

4. I really enjoy ………. to parties at weekends.
    A   going    B   go    C   to go
5. When you finish ………. you can watch television.
A   eat    B   to eat    C   eating

IV. Put these sentences into the passive.

1. Thomas Edison invented the light bulb.
     The light bulb……………………………………………………………………

2. They design new cars every year.
    New cars ………………………………………………………………………….
3. Someone will soon make a thinking robot.
    A thinking robot ………………………………………………………………...

4. Scientists are building a new spaceship.
    A new spaceship …………………………………………………………….....

5. Andy has repaired the washing machine.
    The washing machine …………………………………………………………

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