Практикум уроку: Семестрове оцінювання з письма (Англійська мова 7 клас)

Практикум до предмету Англійська мова, 7 клас
Тема «Семестрове оцінювання з письма (Англійська мова 7 клас)»

Director’s 2nd sem. Test Paper for class  7  (variant 2)

Date…………..                      Student’s  name…………………

I. Fill in the correct word.

- Excuse me, waiter. This soup is too salty.
- I’m terribly ……………….. I’ll replace it at once.

2. Actors ……………….. hours practicing their roles.

3. The robbers were caught ……………….. the police.

4. Exhaust fumes from cars and gases from factories cause air ………………...

5. Are there ……………….. biscuits left in the jar?  

6. John has a part-time job for the summer to make some extra ……………….. .

7. Aerosol sprays and other chemicals have caused a hole in the ……………….. layer.

8. I heard their new songs ……………….. the radio this morning, they are fantastic.

9. The dessert was served ……………….. cream.

10. How would you ……………….. your steak cooked?  .

11. I’m looking ……………….. to my summer holiday.

12. The Eiffel Tower is a famous tourist ……………….. .

13. The volcanic ………….. killed thousands of people.

14. ……………….. we going to the theatre tonight?

15. Have the posters for the campaign ……………….. delivered?

II. Complete the sentences with will or am/ is/ are going to.

1. A: I’m cold.     B: Are you? I ………………………... light the fire.
2. A: Barbara can sing very well.     B: I know. I think she …………… become a famous singer one day.

3. A: Sam has been saving money for months.     B: Because he ………………………… buy a new car.

4. A: If you don’t stop making that noise, I ………………………… send you to your room.     B: Oh, all right. Sorry.

5. A: Have they decided where to go at the weekend?     B: Yes, they ………………………… have a picnic with friends. 

III. Circle the correct item.

1. Stop ………. at once!
          A   to talk     B   talking        C   talk

2. Jan asked her father to let her ………. out late.
    A   to stay    B   stay        C   staying  

3. The teacher told him he must ……….. harder.
A   study    B   studying    C  to study

4. I don’t mind ………. after your dog while you are away.
A   to look    B   look        C   looking

5. I really hate ………. to the opera.
A   going        B   go        C   to go

IV. Put these sentences into the passive.

1. Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin.
    Penicillin …………………………………………………………………………………..

2. They will open the new supermarket next year.
     The new supermarket …………………………………………………………………

3. People make marmalade from oranges.
    Marmalade ……………………………………………………………………………….. 

4. Scientists are testing a new helicopter at the moment.
   A new helicopter …………………………………………………………………………

5. Susan has bought a new pair of jeans.
    A new pair of jeans ……………………………………………………………………..

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Англійська мова 7 клас > Англійська мова 7 клас > Семестрове оцінювання з письма (Англійська мова 7 клас) > Семестрове оцінювання з письма (Англійська мова 7 клас). Практикуми, лабораторні, кейси