Семестрове оцінювання з письма (7 клас). Оцінювання

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Тема "Семестрове оцінювання з письма (7 клас)"

Оцінювання до теми "Семестрове оцінювання з письма (7 клас)"

Director’s 1ST sem. Test Paper for class 7(1)
Date………….. Student’s name…………………

Fill in the correct word.

1. That’s the boy ……………….. won first prize in the competition.

2. I haven’t seen the boys, so I don’t know where …………. are.

3. Grandma told us some fascinating stories ……………….. her childhood.

4. This chair is more comfortable ……………….. that one.

5. I bought these trousers two days ……………….. .

6. Joe ……………….. riding his bike when the accident happened.

7. When she saw the robber, the cashier pressed the alarm ……………….. .

8. A burglar tried to ……………. into the house while we were away.

9. She ……………….. the train, so she was late for work.

10 They’ve been driving ……………….. six o’clock this morning.

11. Make sure you buy the tickets ……………….. advance.

12. Have you ……………….. met a film star?

13. I’ve ……………… been to China. I’d like to go there someday.

14. I’ve been stuck ……………….. the airport for three hours!

15. David screamed ……………….. panic when he saw the snake.

Complete the following sentences with the correct present simple or present continuous forms.

1. A mechanic is a person who ………………………… cars. (repair)

2. Jennifer and David ………………………… my plants while I am away. (look after)

3. My mum usually ………………………… the washing-up. (do)

4. Listen! Someone ………………………… the violin. (play)

5. Steve ………………………… much time to surf the net. (not/have)

Complete the following sentences with the correct past simple or past continuous forms.

1. She ………………………… off the light and went to sleep. (switch)

2. Marry ………………………… to me when Mr. Hall called her into the office. (talk)

3. My car ………………………… down yesterday on the motorway. (break)

4. I ………………………… basketball when my friends came, I was in my room. (not/play)

5. Sadly, but the rescue team ………………………… all the earthquake victims. (not/help)

Complete the following sentences with the correct present perfect simple or present perfect continuous forms.

1. I’m sorry. I ………………………… the essay yet. (not/finish)

2. He ………………………… in this house since he moved to Brighton. (live)

3. She ………………………… to Egypt three times. (be)

4. They ………………………… since 9 o’clock this morning. (drive)

5. It ………………………… heavily for two hours. (rain)

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