Тема 16. Граматичний м-л: comparative

Гіпермаркет Знань>>Англійська мова>>Англійська мова 9 клас>>Англійська мова: Граматичний м-л: comparative

Comparative and superlative adjectives

To form comparative and superlative adjectives, you:
•    add -er or -est to one-syllable adjectives.
Tortoises are slower than many other animals.
•    add -erand -/est to two-syllable adjectives ending in -y (drop the y).
The hippopotamus is one of the heaviest animals in the world.
• use more and mosf with other two-syllable adjectives and adjectives with three or more syllables.
Some snakes are more dangerous than others. The swan is the most graceful bird in the world.
Some adjectives are irregular, eg:
good      better       best

bad       worse       worst

1 Read these sentences and decide whether they are true or false.
1    An elephant is taller than a giraffe.
2    A fly lives longer than a cicada.
3    The egg of an ostrich is bigger than that of any other animal.
4    An elephant can run faster than any human being.
5    A greyhound can run faster than a horse.

2 Now check your answers by completing these sentences, using the correct form (comparative or superlative) of one of the adjectives below. Use some of the adjectives more than once.
large   long   slow   tall   fierce   poisonous   fast
1    The giraffe is the _____________animal in the world.
2    The cicada lives___________--than a fly.
3    The scorpion's bite is__________ than that of most snakes.
4    Driver ants, which eat flesh, can drive some of the___________animals mad by biting them.egg is the ostrich.
5    The bird that lays the _________egg is the ostrich.
6    The_________shark is the great white shark.
7    A human runner can run_________ than an elephant.
8    The_____________animal on Earth is the cheetah.

3 Write sentences about the following using the superlative form of one of these adjectives.
successful        high             fast       rich

long                  popular        large      hot

Carl Lewis                                                      Coke

Everest                                                          Walt Disney (film producer)
The Sultan of Brunei The Pacific                       The River Nile
Carl Lewis is the fastest man on Earth.             Libya

STAR, Student's Book

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