What do you do to help your family?

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Section 2. What do you do to help your family?

16. Look at the pictures and say what Mag and Alex usually do at home. What else can he / she do?


17. Say who in your family:

goes shopping, makes your bed, lays the table, answers
phones calls, makes cakes, cleans the rooms, feeds the
pets, waters the flowers, repairs the bike / scooter,
cooks breakfast and lunch, does the washing up

Example: My mother cooks breakfast. I water the flowers.

карт 18. Listen, read and remember:


wash - washed
help - helped
repair - repaired
II clean - cleaned
answer - answered
water - watered
cook - cooked

do - did
go - went
make - made
lay - laid
feed - fed
say - said
take - took

19. Complete the text. Say how Mag helped her mum.

Last Sunday Mag got (get) up at 9 am. She ... (wash) her face and hands, ... (clean) her teeth. Then she ... (make) her bed.

At half past nine Mag ... (help) her mother to lay the table. She ... (have) breakfast with her mum, dad and sister Becky. After breakfast Mag ... (water) the flowers and ... (feed) her pets.


20. Say what you did at home last Sunday morning.
Did you help your mum or your dad? How?

карт 21. Listen and read:

[�x] water, walk, call, draw, door, floor
[u] shopping, wash, clock, sock
[i:] clean, feed, meet, three
[eI] may, say, lay, make, table, today
[gu] phone, home, homework, photo, go

карт 22. Read and act out.


23. Complete the sentences and say what Mag and her family did yesterday.

Example: Mag didn't feed the bird, she fed the cat and
         the dog.
1) Mag's father didn't watch TV, he ... the stars.
2) Her grandmother didn't play puzzles, she ... computer games.
3) Her grandfather didn't go to the park, he ... shopping.
4) Her mother didn't clean the kitchen, she ... the room.
5) Mag and her sister Becky didn't water the trees, they... the flowers.

карт 24. Listen and match the correct day. Say what Alex did on different days of the week.


карт  25. Ask your classmates what they like to do at home.

Example: Do you like to take your pet for a walk?
         Yes, I do. / No, I don't.
26. Say what you like (don't like) to do at home.

Example: I like to lay the table.
         I don't like to do the washing up.

карт 27. Listen to the poem. Read the sentences to illustrate the pictures.

One Busy Housewife

One busy housewife to sweep up the floor.
Two busy housewives to polish the door.
Three busy housewives to wash all the socks.
Four busy housewives to wind up the clocks.
Five busy housewives to cook dinner too.
Six busy housewives with nothing left to do*.


карт 28. a) Ask your classmate what he did two days ago.

Example: A: Did you do your homework two days ago?
         B: Yes, I did.
         A: Did you ski in the park two days ago?
         B: No, I didn't.
b) Say what your classmate did (didn't) two days ago.

Example: Lena did her homework two days ago. But she
         didn't ski in the park.
* with nothing left to do - ничего не оставалось делать

29. Read the story and say what Jane's answer was.

Jane and her mother lived in a small house. Every day her mother cleaned the rooms, did the washing up, cooked, fed the pets, and watered the trees and the flowers in the garden. But Jane didn't help her. She did not like to work. She was lazy.

One morning the girl's mother said, "Today is Sunday. 1 want to make an apple pie."

Jane said, "That sounds good."

Then the girl's mother said, "Do you want to help me? Go to the garden and bring back some apples for our apple pie, please."

Jane said, "Not I. 1 don't want to."

The mother went to the green garden and brought back some apples for the apple pie. Then she said, "Jane, do
you want to help me? Go to the shop and buy some sugar for the apple pie, please. "

But the girl said, "Not I. 1 don't want to." So the mother went to the shop and bought some sugar for the
apple pie.

When the apple pie was ready (был готов), the mother said, "The apple pie is very good! Do you want to help
me, Jane." Jane said, "...!"


30. Choose the best title for the story.

· Lazy Jane · The apple pie · "I don't want to."

31. Complete the sentence.

Jane didn't help her mother to make the apple pie because...

a) she didn't like apple pies.
b) she was busy.
c) she was lazy.

32. Now Jane is not lazy. She helps her mother. Last Sunday she made an apple pie. Say what she did.

Example: Jane went to the garden.

33. Say how you help your mother.

Enjoy English. 4 класс. Биболетова М.З., Денисенко О.А., Трубанева Н.Н., Обнинск: Титул, 2007. - 144с.

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