Тема 14. Граматичний м-л: Conditionals

Гіпермаркет Знань>>Англійська мова>>Англійська мова 11 клас>>Англійська мова: Граматичний м-л: Conditionals

Conditionals (1): zero, first, second
Does this sentence refer to the past or the present?
If I had more money, I would buy another CD.

zero conditional
if + a present tense + a present tense
•    used for general or scientific truths
If you have your own business, you work very hard.

 first conditional
if + present tense + will (or other modal) + bare infinitive if + present tense + imperative
•    used for real or likely situations
If you are having problems, your bank manager will try to help.
If you are having problems, speak to your bank manager.

second conditional
if + past (simple or continuous) + would (or other modal) + bare infinitive
•    used for impossible, unlikely or hypothetical situations If I were you, I would set up my own business.

Circle the correct words or phrases to complete these sentences.
1    If I had enough money, I will / would buy a new computer.
2    We'll / We'd get there before the shops close if we hurry up.
3    I always buy clothes in the latest style, if I can / could afford it.
4    If you don't have the receipt, they won't / wouldn't give you your money back.
5    I always spend / would spend too much money if I go / went shopping.

Use these prompts to write sentences using if.
1    I / be / you /1 / ask my parents for more pocket money
2    you / win / the lottery / what / you / do with the money?
3    the shops / busy this afternoon / we / drive to the new supermarket
4    charities / have more money / people / be / more generous
5    you / go / to the police / you / find / someone's wallet?

Complete these sentences for yourself.
1    If charities ask me for money,...
2    If I go shopping,...
3    If I have a little extra money,...
4    If I needed more money,...

unless, in case, as long as. rovided that
Take some see something you want to buy.

Which of these words and phrases completes the sentence above?
unless, in case, as long as, provided that

unless = except if
I'll get you some new trainers, unless they're too expensive.

in case = because...might
Let's leave now in case the shops close early.

as long as / provided that = only if
I'll lend you some money as long as / provided that you pay me back tomorrow.

Use the phrases in the box to complete the text.
unless • in case • as long as

Claire Owen had never won anything, count a spelling contest when she was seven. Then, one day, she won twenty million euros on the national lottery.
'I asked my husband to pinch me 2............. I was dreaming!' laughs Claire. 'Then I started to panic 3........I'd lost the ticket, but I
had it safely in my purse. I knew the win could affect my life badly 4......I was careful, but I thought I would be okay 5..........I used the money wisely. I invested some,6 ...........I needed it in the future, and I gave some to friends and family. Being rich is
okay, remember who you are and who your true friends are.'

Malcolm Mann, Steve Taylore-Knowles, Laser, Student's Book

Надіслано читачами із інтернет-сайтів

Безкоштовні підручники, конспекти англійської мови, календарно-тематичний план згідно шкільної програми з англійської, вивчай англійську безкоштовно

Зміст уроку
1236084776 kr.jpg конспект уроку і опорний каркас                      
1236084776 kr.jpg презентація уроку 
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1236084776 kr.jpg закриті вправи (тільки для використання вчителями)
1236084776 kr.jpg оцінювання 

1236084776 kr.jpg задачі та вправи,самоперевірка 
1236084776 kr.jpg практикуми, лабораторні, кейси
1236084776 kr.jpg рівень складності задач: звичайний, високий, олімпійський
1236084776 kr.jpg домашнє завдання 

1236084776 kr.jpg ілюстрації: відеокліпи, аудіо, фотографії, графіки, таблиці, комікси, мультимедіа
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1236084776 kr.jpg фішки для допитливих
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1236084776 kr.jpg словник термінів                          
1236084776 kr.jpg інше 

Тільки для вчителів
1236084776 kr.jpg ідеальні уроки 
1236084776 kr.jpg календарний план на рік 
1236084776 kr.jpg методичні рекомендації 
1236084776 kr.jpg програми
1236084776 kr.jpg обговорення

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