7******* Star Schools 7W

We believe, that in 50 years Education system will not be the same, as nowadays. It will be different. So we have to bring the Future closer.

There will be only few Global Companies “Education Platforms” competing on the Education market. We believe, that in 50 years Education system will not be the same, as nowadays. It will be different. So we have to bring the Future closer.

International Contests

Modernization of education systems is already taking place in many countries where powerful innovative projects are developing. Our Educational Platform 7W participates in the rating international competitions where projects of the 7******* schools on the basis of advanced technologies of 7W are intensively developed.

7W ® Education Platform leads to the Future

The transformation of learning has a trend to create several huge Education Platforms, similar to the world level Brands, as it happens for instance in phones (Apple, Samsung, Xiaomi, Nokia etc.). They will compete with each other, suggesting different approaches.

Our 7W ® Education Platform becomes a leader of the modern Education Stream. We believe that in 50 years Education in the world will not be the same. It will be different.

So we have to bring the future closer. Now you can see it here.