Posttraumatic Stress Disorder case-lesson

International Project to provide health improvement to children which suffered from the war; covid-19; bullying; and violence.

The Structure of a case-lesson:

1. Introduction
  1. Bridge from introduction to tuning
2. Tuning mood and psychological state
  1. Bridge from tuning to emotional intelligence
3. Emotional Intelligence
  1. Bridge from Emotional Intelligence to Dance
4. Dance, body movements and improvisation
  1. Bridge from dancing to drawing
5. Drawing medical and creative
  1. Bridge from drawing to Nature and wildlife
6. Nature. Zoology and fears in the animal kingdom
  1. Bridge from Nature to Anatomy
7. Anatomy
  1. Bridge from Anatomy to Health and to Stress sustainability
8. Health promotion and practical stress resilience skills
  1. Bridge from Health and stress readiness to literature
9. Literature
  1. Bridge from Literature to Storytelling
10. Storytelling
  1. Bridge from storytelling to reflection
11. Psychological reflection (Feedback).
  1. Bridge from Reflection to Completion
12. End

Besides, children acquire soft skills:

  • Ability to listen and hear
  • Adaptability
  • Tolerance
  • Self-control
  • Good relationships
Post-traumatic disorders in children and their recovery PTSD (PTSD)
(due to war, covid-19, bullying or violence)

International Project to provide health improvement to children which suffered from the war; covid-19; bullying; and violence.

1. Overview of the situation:

Since the beginning of the war between Russia and Ukraine, the number of children suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder has increased dramatically. More than three million children have been directly affected by the conflict, of whom more than a million have been forced to flee their homes as refugees.

As a result, many children live in constant fear and insecurity, which can lead to long-term emotional and psychological damage. In addition to the physical abuse they witnessed, these children also experienced deep personal loss as they were separated from their families and loved ones. Although the situation in Europe is safe, for these children the effects of the war are likely to be felt for many years to come.

More than 75% of these children need emergency treatment.

2. Influence and consequences of double shocks “war + covid”.

Before the children had time to cope with covid-19, the war fell upon them, aggravating their stressful state. The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted education systems around the world, hitting the most vulnerable students hardest.

This increased inequality and exacerbated the pre-existing educational crisis. School closures have ranged from complete closures in several countries to more than a full school year. Lack of connectivity and devices has deprived at least a third of students of the opportunity to study remotely. Education has lost quality.

Therefore, children who have already been ill with COVID-19 have aggravated their weaknesses with the war in Ukraine.

To mobilize and support the continuity of education/health of children in the current conditions of war, UNICEF has developed a set of special programs in Ukraine and for Ukrainian children who were temporarily forced to urgently leave for other countries.

Even for those children who managed to escape from Ukraine, the injuries do not end there. Children continue to live in fear – not only for their own lives, but also for the lives of their parents. Many of them have seen how the conflict has torn their families apart and they worry that they will be left alone if their parents are killed or captured. This constant fear takes a toll on their mental and emotional health, preventing them from leading a normal, happy life. Hundreds of thousands of children cannot get rid of the feeling of fear.

Many of them will experience symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), including flashbacks, nightmares, and intense anxiety. In some cases, PTSD can lead to depression, substance abuse, and even suicide.

Unfortunately, no country in the world is ready to work with so many children suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. There is a lack of specialists in Europe, there is a language barrier and there are almost no specialists with experience in the treatment of wartime post-traumatic stress.

As a result, many children who need help will not receive the help they need. This is a tragic situation that needs to be addressed urgently.

3. Purpose of the project:

The goal of the project is the mass coverage of children with PTSD for their quick recovery, with the help of special integrated health case lessons. The goal is to help these children learn to manage their symptoms, overcome them, and eventually get well. To this end, the project team has developed a special educational and health program "3 in 1".

Algorithm of the formula "3 in 1":

“health + education + socialization”

Experience has shown that the most effective solution to help overcome the consequences of post-traumatic stress disorder is special integrated case lessons. It is they who have a healing effect on the child's psyche and overcome his fears, thanks to the applied influences of art, music, creativity, group therapy, reflection, soft skills and emotional intelligence.

This holistic approach will help the child feel understood, accepted, and supported by others who have experienced similar trauma. The child will feel less alone and more able to trust and trust others. The parent or facilitator will provide a safe space for the child to express themselves and work through the trauma. The moderator educator will teach the child coping skills and help the child develop a positive outlook on life.

4. Result:

Case lessons "3 in 1" will provide significant psychosocial support that will help improve the child's health, improve academic performance, prevent loss of school knowledge, overcome fears and revive his socialization.

Read more

5. World experience:

UNESCO has launched an initiative to develop materials and train teachers in Palestine to work with children with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). During the process, the team developed guidelines for using art, music, social skills, and games to help children express themselves and begin to heal.

Group therapy sessions, including online, have proven effective in treating alcohol and drug addiction without the need for psychologists or other mental health professionals.

We will also consider the experience of schools and children who have learned similar lessons from practice in Ukraine, Finland and other countries.

6. Our offer:

We propose a new qualitative step: to develop a course of holistic integrated classes, in which musical, artistic-emotional, conversational-informational and communicative-creative subjects alternate. By paying attention to the creative side of the child, we can help him become aware of negative emotions and turn them into creative energy.

This approach is supported by the fact that the world's leading schools have been using integrated lessons for many years, which present various school subjects in a fun and interactive way.

However, our task is to expand the range and possibilities of these interactive cases to restore the psychological and emotional balance of children affected by the war and who do not have a long time until they get help.

Briefly about the integrated case lesson:

It is designed not to study individual school subjects or formulas, which are usually quickly erased from memory, but to some kind of phenomenon in real life.

And around this phenomenon, as through a prism, school subjects are already being considered, in interconnections. It is thanks to these relationships that associative thinking is turned on and this knowledge remains in the minds and souls of children almost forever!

For example, the case lesson “Feeling of Fear”:

There are subjects (hard skills)

  • Anatomy
  • Art
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Zoology
  • Basics of health

As well as soft skills:

  • Ability to listen and hear
  • Adaptability
  • Tolerance
  • Self-control
  • Relationships

The case lesson "Feeling of Fear" is presented by 78 slides.

This case is very popular.

Integrated lessons are very similar to STEAM (Science + Technology + Engineering + Art + Math), which is why they have become so popular.

However, we have gone further and use the more progressive notation SISTEMA (Science + Information + Senses + Technology + Engineering + Math + Art). Even Engineering means "social engineering".

Therefore, with this approach, attention is focused on all vectors of the child's personal growth. This is a significant additional value of a case lesson, when switching attention to different sides of a person makes classes exciting, easy and useful.

Moreover, students are interested not only during the lesson itself, but a long-term aftereffect is also important, when such knowledge and skills are remembered for many years.

7. Wartime

One of the most intractable ills of any armed conflict is the damage done to children. Youth caught in the crossfire of war, covid, bullying and abuse suffer not only from the physical trauma of war, but also from deep psychological scars caused by violence and death.

However, there is hope. An integrated lesson project can provide a "cure" to influence learning and recovery and restore their emotional balance and psychological resilience.

8. Structure and script of the case lesson

(to overcome post-traumatic stress disorder):

Each case lesson is engaging and instructive, with an easy-to-understand format. It has many examples, as well as simple exercises and tasks. The video stories accompanying the lesson are clear and logical. Illustrations help to understand the material being studied, in which children get used to, replacing negative thoughts with positive ones.

Each lesson is a video sequence containing 50-100 illustrated slides, 5-10 ABS psychology spreadsheets, 3-5 videos, a small amount of text and 5-10 infographic slides.

According to the scenario, all topics are revealed and logically connected with the help of transitional bridges, so that children master the cause-and-effect relationships: what arises from what and what the consequences are or can be.

Parents and teachers receive detailed instructions on how to conduct a lesson, described and filmed on video, as well as tips on what to do in case of emotional outbursts in children.

9. Structure and script of the case lesson

(to overcome post-traumatic stress disorder):

Each case lesson is engaging and instructive, with an easy-to-understand format. It has many examples, as well as simple exercises and tasks. The video stories accompanying the lesson are clear and logical. Illustrations help to understand the material being studied, in which children get used to, replacing negative thoughts with positive ones.

Each lesson is a video sequence containing 50-100 illustrated slides, 5-10 ABS psychology spreadsheets, 3-5 videos, a small amount of text and 5-10 infographic slides.

According to the scenario, all topics are revealed and logically connected with the help of transitional bridges, so that children master the cause-and-effect relationships: what arises from what and what the consequences are or can be.

Parents and teachers receive detailed instructions on how to conduct a lesson, described and filmed on video, as well as tips on what to do in case of emotional outbursts in children.

To help children with PTSD cope with emotional stiffness; anxiety; irritability, aggressiveness; avoidance; guilt; emotional impoverishment; passivity; solitude, withdrawal into an imaginary world or beyond.

The use of special comprehensive wellness lessons-projects for the psychological rehabilitation of children in connection with the horrors of war / covid will be based on the algorithms of music and dance therapy, art therapy, breathing techniques, storytelling, soft skills, fascinating knowledge, group therapy and the principles of cognitive therapy in the form conversations and narratives.

10. Target audience:

  • Children with PTSD
  • Parents
  • Teachers

11. Who are the cases for?

These case lessons are designed primarily for schoolchildren and teachers.

Webinars and consultations are held for teachers and parents on how to use case studies in teaching and treating children with PTSD.

These cases perform the same function as school textbooks written for students and from which children learn. A case lesson is not an instruction, recipe, or script on how to complete this lesson. This is a real complete lesson.

Each child gets access to the electronic platform and goes through these health and educational cases at their own pace and at a convenient time. Thus, we cover a large number of children at once. Classes can take place both offline and remotely.

Because in the 21st century, the online format for children is already a familiar way for them to receive educational and medical information. Moreover, Ukraine occupies one of the leading places in the world in terms of the quality of online education.

12. What are the benefits of online?

Mass coverage and no additional stress for the child.

Children with PTSD often want a quiet and private space. Moreover, it is not always possible to bring together groups of children with the same symptoms and problems.

Moreover, our task now is to reach a mass audience of affected children, tens of thousands at once, in order to quickly remove their fears and phobias, without waiting for them to come to school ... or when the local authorities prepare these processes ... or when they teach teachers ... , or when they create the appropriate atmosphere ... or when they allocate additional funding, etc. But there is no time.

Thousands and thousands of traumatized children should be able to use this innovative technology. This is an individual-group rehabilitation of children in an online format. It is good that now many diseases and ailments are being treated remotely.

At the same time, we do not exclude the offline format. Moreover, it is effective, although it requires additional costs and time to organize medical and educational creative spaces in each city or school. We will use both approaches: offline and online.

13. Preparation of an integrated case lesson:

1. Scripting integrated lessons

3. Preparation of instructions for parents and teacher-tutor

4. Preparing webinars for parents and teachers

5. Creation of a special computer platform with case lessons.

6. Scaling the use of health case lessons.

14. Technology of conducting a PTSD case lesson

1. Each child receives an access code to a special platform and goes through the content.

2. He can go through cases with his parents, teachers or a psychologist. However, most children like to do it on their own, when no one bothers them. They may complete a case in a few hours, or in a day, or at their own pace. In addition, they can choose the scans (sweeps) they like the most and delve into them. This is what gives a healing effect by switching attention.

3. At the same time, one part of the children easily learns the material and then applies it in their behavior.

And the other part - requires explanations and consultations. For such children, a special psychological online call center will be organized, where they will receive an operational online tutor assistant.

4. Webinars from experienced psychologists and experts will be held periodically.

5. Along the way, children will learn new educational information that will subtly expand their erudition and new positive accents of attention, which will also contribute to their speedy recovery.

They will make many new friends of interest, which will contribute to healing and their emotional socialization.

15.Organizational form:

"Post Traumatica Sanitatem" (Lithuania)

(NGO – non-governmental organization)


Grand-Expo online (Ukraine), developer

16. Project Super Power (“Super Power”):

  • Information is compressed,
  • Delivery is fast,
  • Coverage is huge,
  • The format is modern,
  • Content exclusive,
  • The idea is unique and patented in the USA,
  • The project is timely
  • Significant application experience,
  • The effect is accelerated,
  • The salvation of children is obvious.

17. Scaling

will be in demand in many families, schools, in different countries and will be an important addition to the mainstream school curriculum and beyond.

Quantitatively, these long-awaited cases will benefit millions of children suffering from stress, violence, bullying, covid, wars and more.

Case lessons are especially in demand in countries where families with children have left.

18. Duration of the case lesson:

Option 1) 1.5-2 hours

Option 2) 4-6 hours.

Option 3) 3-4 days. By immersion, at an easy pace.


Number of case lessons

To get the maximum healing effect, you will need at least 10 case lessons.

19. Extension:

The integrated lesson is designed in such a way that it can also be used to work with "ordinary" children to develop their emotional intelligence.

20. Team:

Vladimir Spivakovsky, scientist, writer, public figure (Ukraine), founder of the Grand Lyceum and the Grand Expo online school in Kyiv; participant in international projects to create progressive education systems in different countries.

Natalia Radkevich Gestalt therapist, psychologist (Lithuania).

Prof. Thakur S. Powdale (Kingdom of Bhutan, former Minister of Education, author of the My Green School concept)

Øystein Christiansen (Norway) is a world-renowned cartoonist, writer and media personality who specializes in teaching drawing and creative skills to children.

Andrius Zhebrauskas (Lithuania) is a leading master of improvisation and therapeutic dances according to the method of Gabriel Roth "5 Rhythms".

Darius Radkevicius (Lithuania) ambulance psychologist, psychiatrist.

Nariman Othman (Palestine), professor of psychology, head of international programs.

Migle Helmersen, (Norway), professor of Adger University

Grand-Expo online school (Ukraine), case developer and basic school.

21. Who is involved in the creation of case lessons?

Authors, screenwriters, directors, technologists, experts, psychologists, teachers, editors, proofreaders, programmers, testers, designers, photographers, managers, system analysts, parents, schoolchildren, animators, bloggers, translators, children's writers, gamers.

22. Language:

Ukrainian and English (working).

To increase the super power, the case lessons will need to be translated into several (10+) main languages ​​of the countries that hosted the affected Ukrainian children. And also in other different languages, as needed.

23. Practice of application of case lessons:

Regular integrated lessons, created by Vladimir Spivakovsky, have a Ukrainian state license for use in schools and are patented in the US Library of Congress.

For more than 10 years they have been widely used in hundreds of Ukrainian schools and abroad.

In total, more than 500 cases have been created for children of all ages and on all topics of the educational and extracurricular programs.

24. Benefits of case content

In recent months, there has been a sharp shortage of high-quality new educational Ukrainian content. All schools ask: Where can I get new Ukrainian content for schoolchildren?

So, it was the case lessons that made up for this shortcoming.

In order to verify this, you can look at the following case studies:

"Feeling of fear" (Ukrainian, 78 slides)

Case lesson "Should we be afraid of spiders?" (English, 54 slides)

Case announcement:

Vladimir Spivakovsky talks about "Case Lessons".

Video, 4 minutes

25. Links to the site:

Integrated site of case lessons:

English version


Ukrainian version