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'''[[Гіпермаркет Знань - перший в світі!| Англійська мова, клac, урoк, нa тeму, 10 клac, CCTV camerasАнглійська мова, клac, урoк, нa тeму, 19 клac, CCTV cameras.Гіпермаркет Знань]]>>[[Англійська мова|Англійська мова]]>>[[Англійська мова 10 клас. Повні уроки|Англійська мова 10 клас. Повні уроки]]>> Англійська мова: CCTV cameras. Повні уроки'''  
'''[[Гіпермаркет Знань - перший в світі!| Англійська мова, клac, урoк, нa тeму, 10 клac, CCTV camerasАнглійська мова, клac, урoк, нa тeму, 10 клac, CCTV cameras.Гіпермаркет Знань]]>>[[Англійська мова|Англійська мова]]>>[[Англійська мова 10 клас. Повні уроки|Англійська мова 10 клас. Повні уроки]]>> Англійська мова: CCTV cameras. Повні уроки'''  
'''Тeма уроку:''' CCTV cameras
'''Тeма уроку:''' CCTV cameras

Версия 16:14, 14 января 2011

Англійська мова, клac, урoк, нa тeму, 10 клac, CCTV camerasАнглійська мова, клac, урoк, нa тeму, 10 клac, CCTV cameras.Гіпермаркет Знань>>Англійська мова>>Англійська мова 10 клас. Повні уроки>> Англійська мова: CCTV cameras. Повні уроки

Тeма уроку: CCTV cameras

Мета уроку: забезпечити учням лексичний мінімум у межах теми.

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Хід уроку:

CCTV cameras

The first CCTV cameras appeared in Britain in 1953, and by the 1960s there were already a few cameras in major streets in London. Today, there are more than four million CCTV cameras across the country. That's one camera for every fourteen people. The cameras are there to film dangerous or illegal behaviour. With new software, they can automatically recognize the faces of known criminals, and a new kind of CCTV in the Netherlands can detect angry voices and automatically warn the police of trouble. But these cameras don't just watch criminals; they watch all of us, almost all of the time. Every time we go into a shop, or use a cashpoint machine, or travel on public transport a camera records our actions.
The amount of surveillance in towns and cities across Britain is increasing. Some goods in shops now have RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) tags attached to them. When you pick up one of these items, the RFID tag sends a radio message to a CCTV camera and the camera starts filming you. Shops say that this technology helps to catch shoplifters - but only by treating everybody as a potential criminal.

Cameras and tags are not the only ways of monitoring our actions. Every time you make or receive a call on your mobile phone, the phone company knows the number of the phone you are calling and how long the call lasts. It is even possible to work out your exact location. The police often use this information when they're investigating serious crimes.

And what about satellites Are they watching us from space Anybody with a computer can download Google Earth and get satellite photos of the entire world. Perhaps governments are using even more powerful satellites to watch  their citizens.
Even when you are at home, you are not necessarily safe from surveillance. When you use your computer to visit websites, you are probably sending and receiving cookies without realizing it. Cookies transfer  information from your computer to the  website and, in theory, could  record which websites you  visit. Or perhaps somebody has secretly installed a keystroke logging program on your  computer. These record every letter that you type on the keyboard your passwords, your e-mails, your bank account numbers and more. Modern technology is making it easier and easier to stay in contact, but it is also making it nearly impossible for us to hide.



Цікаво знати!

“CCTV” means “closed circuit television” («замкнене телебачення»).



Перевіртe себе (запитання до тексту):

1. Today, there are CCTV cameras which

a) know when a crime is in progress;

b) identify people who have committed crimes before,

c) can speak to people if they are getting angry;

d) stop dangerous or illegal behaviour.

2. CCTV cameras record the actions of

a) one in fourteen people in the UK;

b) four million people.

c) criminals in the UK;

d) everybody in the UK.

3. CCTV cameras receive a message from RFID tags when

a a shoplifter comes into the shop;

b a shoplifter steals an item;

c somebody lifts up an item that has got a tag;

d the camera starts filming.

4. When you use a mobile phone, the phone company can work out

a) the name of the person you are speaking to;

b) what you are saying.

c) how long you have had the phone;

d) where you are.

5. You can get photos of the world from space if you

a) work for a government;

b) go to a government website.

c) work for Google;

d) have a computer. 6 When you surf the Internet, cookies a record every letter that you type; b record your passwords and e-mails. c keep you safe from surveillance; d exchange information with websites.




1. Translate into Ukrainian: password, filming, progress, citizen, criminal, transfer, modern.

2, Discuss with the partner:

1. How does technological progress change your life? 2. Do you like the century of technologies you live?

Cпиcoк викориcтаної літeрaтури:

1. Урок на тему: «CCTV cameras» учителя ЗОШ № 142 Стехінa О. О., м. Запоріжжя.

2. Ю. Б. Гoліцинcький. Spoken Еnglіsh. Пocібник з рoзмoвнoї тeми — 2010


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