*Практичні: вдосконалювати навички монологічного висловлювання з теми «[[Діалогічне_мовлення._A_job_interview|Професії]]», вдосконалювати навички читання з детальним розумінням, розвивати вміння вживати лексичні одиниці на фразовому та понадфразовому рівні.
*Практичні: вдосконалювати навички монологічного висловлювання з теми «[[Діалогічне мовлення. A job interview|Професії]]», вдосконалювати навички читання з детальним розумінням, розвивати вміння вживати лексичні одиниці на фразовому та понадфразовому рівні.
*Розвиваюча: сприяти розвитку уваги, пам’яті, аналітичного мислення учнів.
*Розвиваюча: сприяти розвитку уваги, пам’яті, аналітичного мислення учнів.
*Освітня: розширювати мовний кругозір учнів, ознайомити з особливостями конкретних професій.
*Освітня: розширювати мовний кругозір учнів, ознайомити з особливостями конкретних професій.
*Виховна: виховувати дисциплінованість, допитливість учнів, заохочувати до творчих прийомів у вивченні [[Французька_мова_11_клас._Повні_уроки|іноземних мов]], спонукати до взаємоповаги та взаємодопомоги.
*Виховна: виховувати дисциплінованість, допитливість учнів, заохочувати до творчих прийомів у вивченні [[Французька мова 11 клас. Повні уроки|іноземних мов]], спонукати до взаємоповаги та взаємодопомоги.
=== Обладнання ===
=== Обладнання ===
Строка 22:
Строка 22:
=== Мовленнєва зарядка (3 хв). ===
=== Мовленнєва зарядка (3 хв). ===
''Вчитель'': What is the [[Знайомство_з_новою_лексикою_по_темі_«Погода»._Виконання_вправ|weather]] like today? Do you like it or not? (Учні відповідають). I see. And what did you hear from the weather forecasters? (Відповіді).<br>
''Вчитель'': What is the [[Знайомство з новою лексикою по темі «Погода». Виконання вправ|weather]] like today? Do you like it or not? (Учні відповідають). I see. And what did you hear from the weather forecasters? (Відповіді).<br>
=== Відповіді на питання вчителя за темою «Occupations» (10 хв). ===
=== Відповіді на питання вчителя за темою «Occupations» (10 хв). ===
Вчитель: You see the word on the blackboard – “weather forecaster”. It was not by chance that I mentioned it in our conversation. Today we will speak on professions and occupations. It is our last lesson dedicated to this topic, and today I will see how good you were in learning it. First of all, please answer my questions using the [[Лексико_-граматична_тема:_Past_simple_and_past_cont.|lexical material]] of the last lessons.<br>
Вчитель: You see the word on the blackboard – “weather forecaster”. It was not by chance that I mentioned it in our conversation. Today we will speak on professions and occupations. It is our last lesson dedicated to this topic, and today I will see how good you were in learning it. First of all, please answer my questions using the [[Лексико -граматична тема: Past simple and past cont.|lexical material]] of the last lessons.<br>
*Questions:<br>''- What is the most useful [http://xvatit.com/busines/jobs-career/ profession]?<br>- What is the best-paid job?<br>- What is the hardest profession?<br>- What are your parents’ occupations?<br>- What would you personally like to be?''<br>
*Questions:<br>''- What is the most useful [http://xvatit.com/busines/jobs-career/ profession]?<br>- What is the best-paid job?<br>- What is the hardest profession?<br>- What are your parents’ occupations?<br>- What would you personally like to be?''<br>
Строка 45:
Строка 45:
=== Гра «Зобрази слово» (6 хв). ===
=== Гра «Зобрази слово» (6 хв). ===
''Вчитель'': We worked a lot, and that is the time [http://xvatit.com/relax/games/ to play] a bit. The group will be divided into 2 teams. One person from each team receives a card with the ocuupation. He/she must show this word to the team so that they could define it. But do not cry out or make hints! For the right word the team receives a point. The time is limited to a minute. We start! <br>(Проводиться гра).
''Вчитель'': We worked a lot, and that is the time [http://xvatit.com/relax/games/ to play] a bit. The group will be divided into 2 teams. One person from each team receives a card with the ocuupation. He/she must show this word to the team so that they could define it. But do not cry out or make hints! For the right word the team receives a point. The time is limited to a minute. We start! <br>(Проводиться гра).
<br>''Вчитель'': Very well!<br>
<br>''Вчитель'': Very well!<br>
Строка 55:
Строка 55:
=== Гра «Співвідношення» (8 хв). ===
=== Гра «Співвідношення» (8 хв). ===
''Вчитель:'' We continue checking the [[Повторення_лексико-граматичного_м-лу|lexical material]] of the topic while playing. The next game requires attention and a good memory. You must combine the pairs of the words by the principle “occupation – place”. For instance, the banker works at the bank. In turn the players of different teams name two areas. I show the cards – if they correspond each other, the team receives a point. If not, I stick the cards on their places. Come on!
''Вчитель:'' We continue checking the [[Повторення лексико-граматичного м-лу|lexical material]] of the topic while playing. The next game requires attention and a good memory. You must combine the pairs of the words by the principle “occupation – place”. For instance, the banker works at the bank. In turn the players of different teams name two areas. I show the cards – if they correspond each other, the team receives a point. If not, I stick the cards on their places. Come on!
[[Image:Children-and-occupations ang11.jpg|480x540px|Jobs and Occupations]]<br><br>'''Pairs: '''Teacher – [[Гіпермаркет Знань - перший в світі!|school]]<br> Actor – theatre<br> Cashier – supermarket<br> Turner – factory<br> Singer – concert hall<br> Cook – restaurant<br> Translator – translation agency<br> Driver – transport company<br> Deputy – parliament<br>
=== Interesting for the curious ===
=== Interesting for the curious ===
The first recorded case of an actor performing took place in 534 BC (though the changes in calendar over the years make it hard to determine exactly) when the Greek performer Thespis stepped on to the stage at the Theatre Dionysus and became the first known person to speak words as a character in a play or story. Prior to Thespis' act, stories were only known to be told in song and dance and in third person narrative. In honour of Thespis, actors are commonly called Thespians. Theatrical legend to this day maintains that Thespis exists as a mischievous spirit, and disasters in the theatre are sometimes blamed on his ghostly intervention.<br><br>Actors were traditionally not people of high status, and in the Early Middle Ages travelling acting troupes were often viewed with distrust. In many parts of Europe, actors could not even receive a Christian burial, and traditional beliefs of the region and time period held that this left any actor forever condemned. However, this negative perception was largely reversed in the 19th and 20th centuries as acting has become an honoured and popular profession and art.<br><br>After 1660, when women first appeared on stage, actor and actress were initially used interchangeably for female performers, but later, influenced by the [[Французька мова|French]] actrice, actress became the usual term. The word actor refers to a person who acts regardless of gender, and "is increasingly preferred", while actress refers specifically to a female person who acts; this form "remains in general use". The etymology is a simple derivation from actor with ess added. As actress is a specifically feminine word, some groups assert that the word is sexist. Gender-neutral usage of actor has re-emerged in modern English, especially when referring to male and female performers collectively, but actress remains the common term used in major acting awards given to female recipients and is common in general usage.<br><br>The gender-neutral term "player" was common in film in the early days of the Motion [http://xvatit.com/relax/pozdrav/ Picture] Production Code with regards to the cinema of the United States, but is now generally deemed archaic. However, it remains in use in the theatre, often incorporated into the name of a theatre group or company.<br>
The first recorded case of an actor performing took place in 534 BC (though the changes in calendar over the years make it hard to determine exactly) when the Greek performer Thespis stepped on to the stage at the Theatre Dionysus and became the first known person to speak words as a character in a play or story. Prior to Thespis' act, stories were only known to be told in song and dance and in third person narrative. In honour of Thespis, actors are commonly called Thespians. Theatrical legend to this day maintains that Thespis exists as a mischievous spirit, and disasters in the theatre are sometimes blamed on his ghostly intervention.<br><br>Actors were traditionally not people of high status, and in the Early Middle Ages travelling acting troupes were often viewed with distrust. In many parts of Europe, actors could not even receive a Christian burial, and traditional beliefs of the region and time period held that this left any actor forever condemned. However, this negative perception was largely reversed in the 19th and 20th centuries as acting has become an honoured and popular profession and art.<br><br>After 1660, when women first appeared on stage, actor and actress were initially used interchangeably for female performers, but later, influenced by the [[Французька мова|French]] actrice, actress became the usual term. The word actor refers to a person who acts regardless of gender, and "is increasingly preferred", while actress refers specifically to a female person who acts; this form "remains in general use". The etymology is a simple derivation from actor with ess added. As actress is a specifically feminine word, some groups assert that the word is sexist. Gender-neutral usage of actor has re-emerged in modern English, especially when referring to male and female performers collectively, but actress remains the common term used in major acting awards given to female recipients and is common in general usage.<br><br>The gender-neutral term "player" was common in film in the early days of the Motion [http://xvatit.com/relax/pozdrav/ Picture] Production Code with regards to the cinema of the United States, but is now generally deemed archaic. However, it remains in use in the theatre, often incorporated into the name of a theatre group or company.<br>
=== Розгадування кросворду (5 хв). ===
=== Розгадування кросворду (5 хв). ===
''Вчитель'': And the last activity for today is the topic-oriented cross-word. Your task is to find out all the words following my definitions and to explain the last word that will appear inside the cross-word. Good luck!<br><br>'''Definitions:'''<br>1. This person is a head of the organization – the post #1.<br>2. She attends the flights and serves drinks and food in planes.<br>3. This person writes different articles to the newspapers.<br>4. He organizes [http://xvatit.com/busines/ the financial work] in the firm.<br>5. He repairs the cars and the mechanic devices.<br>6. This person works in the bar or restaurant to serve the food.<br>7. He plays in the theatre or the [http://xvatit.com/relax/music-clips/ cinema].<br>
''Вчитель'': And the last activity for today is the topic-oriented cross-word. Your task is to find out all the words following my definitions and to explain the last word that will appear inside the cross-word. Good luck!<br><br>'''Definitions:'''<br>1. This person is a head of the organization – the post #1.<br>2. She attends the flights and serves drinks and food in planes.<br>3. This person writes different articles to the newspapers.<br>4. He organizes [http://xvatit.com/busines/ the financial work] in the firm.<br>5. He repairs the cars and the mechanic devices.<br>6. This person works in the bar or restaurant to serve the food.<br>7. He plays in the theatre or the [http://xvatit.com/relax/music-clips/ cinema].<br>
Строка 75:
Строка 75:
=== Завершення уроку (3 хв). ===
=== Завершення уроку (3 хв). ===
''Вчитель'': I hope you enjoyed this lesson as I did. The results of our [http://xvatit.com/relax/games/ game] are as follows: … You were amazing, and your marks for today are: … Thank you very much! Good-bye! Have a nice evening!<br>
''Вчитель'': I hope you enjoyed this lesson as I did. The results of our [http://xvatit.com/relax/games/ game] are as follows: … You were amazing, and your marks for today are: … Thank you very much! Good-bye! Have a nice evening!<br>
[[Image:Jobs angl11 occ.gif]]
Строка 95:
Строка 93:
'''Список використаних джерел:'''
'''Список використаних джерел:'''
1. Урок на тему "The Jobs and Occupations" учителя Абраменко О.В., учитель вечірньої (змінної) середньої загальноосвітньої школи №18 м. Києва
''1. Урок на тему "The Jobs and Occupations" учителя Абраменко О.В., учитель вечірньої (змінної) середньої загальноосвітньої школи №18 м. Києва''
2. en.wikipedia.or
''2. en.wikipedia.or''
3. www.eslprintables.com
''3. www.eslprintables.com''
4. www.eslflashcards.com
''4. www.eslflashcards.com''
5. engblog.ru
''5. engblog.ru''
<br> ''Скомпоновано та відредактовано Любименко В.В.''
<br> ''Скомпоновано та відредактовано Любименко В.В.''
Практичні: вдосконалювати навички монологічного висловлювання з теми «Професії», вдосконалювати навички читання з детальним розумінням, розвивати вміння вживати лексичні одиниці на фразовому та понадфразовому рівні.
Розвиваюча: сприяти розвитку уваги, пам’яті, аналітичного мислення учнів.
Освітня: розширювати мовний кругозір учнів, ознайомити з особливостями конкретних професій.
Виховна: виховувати дисциплінованість, допитливість учнів, заохочувати до творчих прийомів у вивченні іноземних мов, спонукати до взаємоповаги та взаємодопомоги.
картки «Професії», стікери для гри, кросворд, роздатковий матеріал.
Хід уроку
Організаційний момент (2 хв).
Вчитель: Hello! How are you? Take your seats, please. Who is absent? Do you know what the matter is? O.k., thank you. Write down the date to your copybooks.
Мовленнєва зарядка (3 хв).
Вчитель: What is the weather like today? Do you like it or not? (Учні відповідають). I see. And what did you hear from the weather forecasters? (Відповіді).
Відповіді на питання вчителя за темою «Occupations» (10 хв).
Вчитель: You see the word on the blackboard – “weather forecaster”. It was not by chance that I mentioned it in our conversation. Today we will speak on professions and occupations. It is our last lesson dedicated to this topic, and today I will see how good you were in learning it. First of all, please answer my questions using the lexical material of the last lessons.
Questions: - What is the most useful profession? - What is the best-paid job? - What is the hardest profession? - What are your parents’ occupations? - What would you personally like to be?
Вчитель: Very well, thank you! I liked your answers very much!
Виконання тесту на підстановку (5 хв).
Вчитель: And now I will check out how good you were at remembering the lexics at the lessons. You are to do the test about its periods. At the copies in front of you there are some blank spaces that you should fill in with the appropriate words. You have 5 minutes to accomplish the task! (Учні виконують тест).
Вчитель: Let’s check it out! You are completely right!
Гра «Зобрази слово» (6 хв).
Вчитель: We worked a lot, and that is the time to play a bit. The group will be divided into 2 teams. One person from each team receives a card with the ocuupation. He/she must show this word to the team so that they could define it. But do not cry out or make hints! For the right word the team receives a point. The time is limited to a minute. We start! (Проводиться гра).
Вчитель: Very well!
Гра «Співвідношення» (8 хв).
Вчитель: We continue checking the lexical material of the topic while playing. The next game requires attention and a good memory. You must combine the pairs of the words by the principle “occupation – place”. For instance, the banker works at the bank. In turn the players of different teams name two areas. I show the cards – if they correspond each other, the team receives a point. If not, I stick the cards on their places. Come on!
Pairs: Teacher – school Actor – theatre Cashier – supermarket Turner – factory Singer – concert hall Cook – restaurant Translator – translation agency Driver – transport company Deputy – parliament
Interesting for the curious
The first recorded case of an actor performing took place in 534 BC (though the changes in calendar over the years make it hard to determine exactly) when the Greek performer Thespis stepped on to the stage at the Theatre Dionysus and became the first known person to speak words as a character in a play or story. Prior to Thespis' act, stories were only known to be told in song and dance and in third person narrative. In honour of Thespis, actors are commonly called Thespians. Theatrical legend to this day maintains that Thespis exists as a mischievous spirit, and disasters in the theatre are sometimes blamed on his ghostly intervention.
Actors were traditionally not people of high status, and in the Early Middle Ages travelling acting troupes were often viewed with distrust. In many parts of Europe, actors could not even receive a Christian burial, and traditional beliefs of the region and time period held that this left any actor forever condemned. However, this negative perception was largely reversed in the 19th and 20th centuries as acting has become an honoured and popular profession and art.
After 1660, when women first appeared on stage, actor and actress were initially used interchangeably for female performers, but later, influenced by the French actrice, actress became the usual term. The word actor refers to a person who acts regardless of gender, and "is increasingly preferred", while actress refers specifically to a female person who acts; this form "remains in general use". The etymology is a simple derivation from actor with ess added. As actress is a specifically feminine word, some groups assert that the word is sexist. Gender-neutral usage of actor has re-emerged in modern English, especially when referring to male and female performers collectively, but actress remains the common term used in major acting awards given to female recipients and is common in general usage.
The gender-neutral term "player" was common in film in the early days of the Motion Picture Production Code with regards to the cinema of the United States, but is now generally deemed archaic. However, it remains in use in the theatre, often incorporated into the name of a theatre group or company.
Розгадування кросворду (5 хв).
Вчитель: And the last activity for today is the topic-oriented cross-word. Your task is to find out all the words following my definitions and to explain the last word that will appear inside the cross-word. Good luck!
Definitions: 1. This person is a head of the organization – the post #1. 2. She attends the flights and serves drinks and food in planes. 3. This person writes different articles to the newspapers. 4. He organizes the financial work in the firm. 5. He repairs the cars and the mechanic devices. 6. This person works in the bar or restaurant to serve the food. 7. He plays in the theatre or the cinema.
Завершення уроку (3 хв).
Вчитель: I hope you enjoyed this lesson as I did. The results of our game are as follows: … You were amazing, and your marks for today are: … Thank you very much! Good-bye! Have a nice evening!
Список використаних джерел:
1. Урок на тему "The Jobs and Occupations" учителя Абраменко О.В., учитель вечірньої (змінної) середньої загальноосвітньої школи №18 м. Києва
2. en.wikipedia.or
3. www.eslprintables.com
4. www.eslflashcards.com
5. engblog.ru
Скомпоновано та відредактовано Любименко В.В.
Над уроком працювали
Абраменко О.В.
Любименко В.В.
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