How long have you been learning English? Grammar Present Perfect Progressive
Строка 3: Строка 3:
'''[[Гипермаркет знаний - первый в мире!|Гипермаркет знаний]]>>[[Английский язык|Английский язык]]>>[[Английский язык 8 класс|Английский язык 8 класс]]>> How long have you been learning English? Grammar Present Perfect Progressive'''  
'''[[Гипермаркет знаний - первый в мире!|Гипермаркет знаний]]>>[[Английский язык|Английский язык]]>>[[Английский язык 8 класс|Английский язык 8 класс]]>> How long have you been learning English? Grammar Present Perfect Progressive'''  
<br> <br>
[[Image:15-10-27.jpg]]<br><br>[[Image:15-10-28.jpg]]<br>'''Present Perfect Progressive Tense — настоящее совершенное длящееся время'''
[[Image:15-10-23.jpg]]<br>'''<br>1 Misha is phoning Rosy MacWizard. Read their conversation and answer the questions.'''
Глаголы в форме'''''Present Perfect Progressive'''''употребляются для выражения длящегося действия, которое началось в прошлом, все еще продолжается в настоящее время и определенным образом подводит итог продолжительности этого действия. Например:<br>''I have been reading this book for a week. — Я читаю эту книгу уже неделю.''  
1.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;How do people celebrate Valentine's Day?<br>2.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Who does Misha like?<br>3.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Why does Misha need Rosy's advice?<br>4.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;What was the problem with valentine cards three years ago?<br>5.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;What is Rosy's advice?<br>[[Image:15-10-24.jpg]] <br>'''''Misha:''''' Hi, Rosy. It's Misha. <br>'''''Rosy:''''' Oh! Hi, Misha, how are you getting on? <br>'''Misha:''' I'm OK, thanks. And how are you? <br>'''''Rosy''''': I'm fine.<br>'''''Misha''''': Well, mmm..., what's the weather like? <br>'''''Rosy''''': It's been raining since this morning. <br>'''''Misha''''': That's boring. <br>'''''Rosy:''''' Yes, it's bad. Look, Misha. Is there something I can do for you?<br>'''''Misha:''''' Well, yes. Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. <br>'''''Rosy:''''' That's right.<br>'''''Misha:''''' Well, you know, girls and boys send valentines and little presents to each other, if... you know... <br>'''''Rosy:''''' If they like each other.<br>'''''Misha:''''' Yes. And I have been thinking about one girl for a long time... She has been helping me a lot since I first met her.<br>'''''Rosy''''': And you want to send her a valentine, don't you?<br>'''''Misha:''''' That's right. Her name is Emily Wilson. I have known her for six months and she's very special to me. But I'm not sure about English traditions. <br>'''''Rosy:'''''Oh, I see... Well, Valentine's Day used to be a big deal at St David's. When I was there, we used to organise a post box and after class teachers opened it and gave out valentines to the students. There was only one problem: some people who were unpopular never got any valentines and got very upset. So three years ago the teachers changed the rules: if you want to send valentines, you have to send them to everybody in your class.<br>'''''Misha''''': Oh! That's impossible! What shall I do? It's nine o'clock already. <br>'''''Rosy:''''' But there's no need to worry. I can give you some advice. Put your valentine in Emily's bag when nobody is looking at you. <br>'''''Misha''''': Thank you, Rosy, I'll do that.<br>'''''Rosy:''''' OK, Misha, I have to answer my mobile now. Somebody has been trying to get through all this time.
<br>[[Image:4-10-57.jpg]]<br>В диалоге вам встретились незнакомые формы грамматического времени глаголов. Попытайтесь выбрать правильный перевод следующих предложений, ответив на вопросы:
Present Perfect Progressive образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола '''''to be''''' в форме Present Perfect и причастия I.<br>  
1.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Произошли ли действия, описанные в предложениях, в прошлом или они начали происходить в прошлом и все еще происходят в настоящий момент?<br>2.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;С какими обозначениями времени они употребляются?
{| cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" style="width: 284px; height: 40px;"
| <br>have (has) been + глагол + -ing
1.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;It has been raining since morning,
'''<br>1.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Утвердительное предложение'''
а) С утра шел дождь, <br>b) С утра идет дождь.
Jeff and Emily'''''hare been''''' play'''''ing'''''tennis for two hours. — Джеф и Эмили играют в теннис в течение двух часов.<br>'''<br>2.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Отрицательное предложение'''
2.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Somebody has been trying to get through all this time.
Jeff and Emily'''''have'''''n't '''''been''''' play'''''ing''''' golf for three hours.<br><br>'''3.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Общий вопрос'''
a)&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Все это время кто-то пытался дозвониться.<br>b)&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Все это время кто-то пытается дозвониться.
'''''Has''''' Jeff '''''been''''' play'''''ing''''' tennis for two hours? — Yes, he '''''has'''''.<br><br>'''4.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Альтернативный вопрос'''
3.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;I have known her for six months,
'''''Has''''' Emily '''''been''''' play'''''ing''''' tennis for two or for three hours? — Emily'''''has'''''<i>'''been'''</i> play'''''ing''''' tennis for two hours.<br><br>'''5.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Вопрос к подлежащему'''
а) Я знаю ее полгода, <br>b) Я знал ее полгода.
Who '''''has been''''' play'''''ing''''' tennis for two hours? — Jeff and Emily'''''have.'''''<br>'''<br>6.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Специальный вопрос'''
4.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;She has been helping me a lot since I first met her.
How long'''''have''''' Jeff and Emily '''''been''''' play'''''ing'''''tennis? — They'''''have been''''' play'''''ing''''' tennis for two hours.<br>'''<br>7.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Разделительный вопрос'''
a)&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Она помогала мне во всем с тех пор, как я ее впервые встретил.<br>b)&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Она помогает мне во всем с тех пор, как я ее впервые встретил.
Jeff and Emily '''''have been''''' play'''''ing''''' tennis for four hours, '''''haven't''''' they? — Yes, they '''''have'''''. <br>&nbsp;<br>'''Случаи употребления'''
5.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;I have been thinking about a girl for a long time.
Если в предложении глагол стоит в форме Present Perfect Progressive, то. как правило, указывается период времени, в течение которого происходит действие. Период времени может быть выражен:<br>а)&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;обстоятельствами времени типа:'''''all ту life, all these years, lately''''' (в последнее время).  
a)&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Я уже давно думал об одной девочке.<br>b)&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Я уже давно думаю об одной девочке. <br><br>'''2 Find the best translation for the expressions from the dialogue.'''
I have been working longer hours lately. - В последнее время я остаюсь на работе дольше.  
A big deal — <br>а) большая сделка <br>b) большое событие <br>с) выгодный случай
в)&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;обстоятельствами времени, вводимыми предлогом '''''for''''' (в течение): '''''for a week''''' (в течение недели), '''''for five years''''' (в течение пяти лет),/ог а long time (в течение длительного времени) и т. д.<br>Lena and Sveta have already been talking on the phone for half an hour. - Лена и Света разговаривают по телефону уже полчаса.
She's very special.— <br>а) она специальная <br>Ь) она особенная <br>с) она обычная
с)&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;обстоятельствами времени, вводимыми словом since. Since, в зависимости от контекста, переводится по-разному: с, с тех пор, с тех пор как.
There's no need to worry. — <br>а) Не надо их беспокоить. <br>Ь) Нет повода для беспокойства, <br>с) Не делай из этого трагедии.<br><br>'''3 Listen to Misha and Rosy's conversation and answer the questions. Support your answers with the sentences from the text.'''
She has been dreaming about a dog since she was a child. - Она мечтает о собаке с детства.<br>Jane gave те this cassette on Monday. I have been listening to it since then. - Джейн дала мне кассету в понедельник. С тех пор я ее слушаю. She has been sleeping since she got back from her trip. - Она спит с тех пор, как вернулась из поездки.  
How is Misha feeling when he's talking to Rosy?<br>a) He's surprised, <br>b) He's feeling very shy and uneasy, upset.<br>c) He's very upset.
Таким образом, слово '''''since''''' используется для обозначения момента начала действия.<br><br>'''Present Perfect Progressive не употребляется:'''
How is Rosy feeling when she's talking to Misha?<br>a) She's upset, <br>b) She's interested, <br>c) She's amused.<br><br>'''4 Repeat the conversation after the speaker.'''
1) с глаголами, обозначающими состояние.  
[[Image:15-10-25.jpg]] '''For your information'''<br>There is a beautiful legend behind St Valentine's Day.<br>Saint Valentine lived in Rome in the third century AD. At that time the Emperor of Rome was Claudius. He wasn't very popular because he was trying to get more and more people for his army. The men didn't want to go to the army and Claudius thought that it was because they didn't want to leave their wives and children. "If they don't get married, they'll join the army," he thought and passed a law (закон) which banned (запретил) marriage.<br>Valentine was a Christian priest who didn't like the new law. He secretly married people who were in love. One night the Emperor's soldiers caught him and put him in prison. Valentine was going to die.<br>Many young people felt sorry for Valentine and visited him in prison. One of them was the daughter of a prison guard. On the day of his execution Valentine wrote a note to her and signed it "Love from your Valentine". This was on 14 February 269 AD.<br>Since then 14 February has been the Day of Love, when people send love letters and presents to each other. They don't sign the cards with their names, but write "Guess Who" or "Your Valentine".<br>At first this was a European tradition, but then it became popular in other countries. It came to Russia too, but a lot of people say, "If you love somebody, you should show it every day, not only one day a year." <br><br>'''5 Misha has written his valentine. Look at it. Are there any mistakes in it?'''<br><br>[[Image:15-10-26.jpg]]<br><br>'''6 What do you think of Valentine's Day? Do you want to celebrate it at school? Use the words and expressions.'''
to love - любить&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; to believe - верить<br>to remember — помнить&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; to want - хотеть<br>to understand — понимать&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; to know — знать<br>to see - видеть&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; to forget - забыть<br>to hear - слышать&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; to need - нуждаться<br>to hate — ненавидеть&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; to be — быть<br>to like - нравиться&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; to have - иметь <br><br>Вместо '''Present Perfect Progressive''' эти глаголы&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
It's а / no big deal. It's romantic. It's interesting. <br>It's a nice tradition. It's very unfair. People get upset. It helps people show their love.<br><br>'''Homework<br><br>A Valentine Quiz'''
употребляются в '''Present Perfect'''. Например:
1.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Valentine's Day is on<br>a) 14 February, <br>b) 14 January, <br>c) 14 March.
''I have known my best friend since we were children. — Я знаю своего лучшего друга с тех пор, как мы были детьми.''
2.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;On this day people<br>a) send long letters to each other, <br>b) get married, <br>c) send cards to each other.
2) если имеется полное отрицание действия. Например:
3.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;The day got its name from<br>a) a girl's name, <br>b) a priest's name, <br>c) the name of a Roman Emperor.
''1 haven't played the guitar since I broke my arm. — Я не играю на гитаре с тех пор, как сломал руку.''
4.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;St Valentine went to prison because<br>a) he secretly married people, <br>b) he secretly got married, <br>c) he didn't go into the army.
5.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;How should you sign a valentine?<br>a) Yours faithfully <br>b) Best wishes <br>c) Guess who?<br>'''<br>В Match the prefixes with the verbs and adjectives and make the opposites.'''
[[Image:15-10-29.jpg]]<br><br>'''1 Open the brackets. Use Present Perfect Progressive.'''  
'''''Prefixes:''''' un-, in-, il-, im-, ir-, dis-, mis- <br>'''''Verbs''''': understand, lead, appear, connect, agree <br>'''''Adjectives''''': friendly, regular, usual, possible, kind, lucky, honest, comfortable <br><br><br><br><br><br>  
1.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;My friend (work) on the project for two weeks.<br>2.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Kate (look for) her bag for ten minutes.<br>3.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;You (sleep) all day again?<br>4.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Why you (listen) to this song since yesterday?<br>5.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;How long (learn) English?<br>'''<br>2&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Read the sentences and say, в каких предложениях говорится:'''  
а) Когда началось действие? <br>b) Как долго оно продолжалось?
1.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;You have known your friend since you were five years old, haven't you?<br>2.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;You have been reading a very interesting book for three days, haven't you?<br>3.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;You have been working on a special project for a week, haven't you?<br>4.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;You have been dreaming about having a dog since you were a child, haven't you?<br>5.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;It has been raining since Monday, hasn't it!<br><br>[[Image:2-10-38.jpg]] '''Give true answers.'''<br>'''<br>3&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Fill in the gaps with for or since.'''
1.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;It has been raining ... yesterday.<br>2.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Mary hasn't had any guests ... last year.<br>3.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Tom's father has been building his house ... two years.<br>4.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;My friends have been living in London ... many years.<br>5.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Alice has wanted a bicycle ... her last birthday.<br>6.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Peter and Kate have known each other ... ten years.<br>7.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;I haven't gone out ... three days. I have been ill ... Saturday.<br><br>[[Image:2-10-38.jpg]] '''Why didn't we use Present Perfect Progressive in some of the sentences?'''<br>'''<br>4 Answer the questions about yourself. Use for or since.'''
1.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;How long have you been at school today?<br>2.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;How long have you known your best friend?<br>3.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;How long have you lived in your town / city / village? &nbsp;<br>4. How long have you been learning English? <br>5. How long have you known your English teacher? <br>'''<br>5 Which of the sentences best describes the picture?'''
[[Image:15-10-30.jpg]]<br><br>a)&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;It has been raining for two days<br>b)&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;It&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;rained yesterday.
a)&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;We have known each other since we were children.<br>b)&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;We knew each other when we were children.
a)&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;She has been sleeping since she came back from her trip.<br>b)&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;She&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;came back from her trip, got some sleep and unpacked her things.
a)&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Mary has been reading an exciting book all day.<br>b)&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Mary has read a very interesting book.
[[Image:15-10-31.jpg]]<br><br>'''6 Rewrite the sentences.'''  
'''''Model:'''''<i>&nbsp; My father began to watch TV two hours ago. He is still<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; watching it.— My father has been watching TV for two hours.</i>
1.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Ann began to write a letter at five o'clock. She is still writing it.<br>2.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;They began to talk in the morning. They are still talking.<br>3.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;It began to rain an hour ago. It is still raining.<br>4.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;She began to cook dinner when we came. She is still cooking.<br>5.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;He began to make a fire 20 minutes ago. He is still making it. <br>6.&nbsp; 1 began to take pictures two hours ago. I am still taking them.<br>'''<br>7 Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense form: Present Perfect or Present Perfect Progressive. Explain your choice.'''
1.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;She (teach) children all her life.<br>2.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Agnes (not eat) since Monday. She is on a diet.<br>3.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;How long he (look) for a job?<br>4.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;I heard a very funny song when I was ten. I (remember) that song since then.<br>5.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;It (rain) since 10 o'clock.<br>6.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;They already (wait) for his call for 15 minutes.<br>7.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;She (learn) French since she came back from her trip. <br><br>'''8&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Play a game. How long have you...? Use the cards from the Cut Out.'''
Если играет более одиннадцати человек, разбейтесь на группы. Каждый из игроков получает по одной карточке с вопросом.<br>Для того чтобы получить ответ на вопрос карточки, необходимо поговорить с каждым из участвующих в игре. Закончив сбор информации, играющим необходимо записать полученные данные и сообщить о них классу.
'''''Model:&nbsp;'''''<i>Player 1: How long have you had this watch? <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Player 2: For ten days. It's new.</i><br>'''&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;<br>9&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Listen to the interview and answer the questions.'''  
1.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;What is the man's name?&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 4. Where does he work?<br>2.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Where does he live?&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; 5. Is he married?<br>3.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;What does he do?<br><br>'''Homework'''<br><br>'''A How interesting is your life? Answer the questions about the last few months of your life and find it out.'''
1.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Have you been doing any sports?<br>2.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Have you been sleeping a lot?<br>3.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Have you been going out with your friends?<br>4.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Have you been helping your parents with the housework?<br>5.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Have you been watching TV a lot?<br>6.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Have you been studying a lot?<br>7.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Have you been reading anything?<br><br>[[Image:15-10-32.jpg]]<br><br>'''Your results'''
[[Image:15-10-33.jpg]]&nbsp; Unfortunately, your life isn't very exciting at the moment.Is that because it's autumn?
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; You must have more fun. Spend more time with your friends, find a hobby, get a dog and get out of the house more!<br><br>[[Image:15-10-34.jpg]]&nbsp;&nbsp; You're happy with your life. You have your own hobbies and interests and you don't want to change anything. But aren't things a
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; bit boring sometimes?<br><br>[[Image:15-10-35.jpg]]&nbsp;&nbsp; You're there when things happen. Or should we say things happen when you're there? You're the centre of attention,  
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; but lately you have been doing too much. Remember, you can't be in two places at once. Don't forget it. <br>&nbsp;<br>'''В Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.'''
1&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;How many exercises you (do) since you started your homework?<br>2&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Mrs Izard (write) this book since her husband died.<br>3&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;You (know) this man? How long you (know) him?<br>4&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;We already (talk) about it for a week. It's time to do something!<br>5&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;They (talk) for two hours and (not finish) yet.<br>6&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Mr Dix is busy. How long he (be) busy?<br>7&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Caroline (think) about Mark since he left.<br>8&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;How long you (have) this hat? I (have) it for years.<br>9&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;I (not see) your dog lately. What (happen)?<br><br>'''С Translate the sentences into English.'''
1.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Мы находимся в этом магазине уже 20 минут, а еще ничего не купили.<br>2.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;"Что он делает?" — "Он играет в теннис".— "Как давно он играет?" — "Два часа".<br>3.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Они путешествуют уже две недели и уже позвонили два раза.<br>4.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;"Где Молли?" — "Она болеет".— "Как давно она болеет?" — "С четверга".<br>5.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Они уже обсудили первый вопрос и сейчас обсуждают второй. Они обсуждают его уже час.<br><br><br><br><br><br>  

Версия 07:43, 18 октября 2010

Гипермаркет знаний>>Английский язык>>Английский язык 8 класс>> How long have you been learning English? Grammar Present Perfect Progressive


Present Perfect Progressive Tense — настоящее совершенное длящееся время

Глаголы в формеPresent Perfect Progressiveупотребляются для выражения длящегося действия, которое началось в прошлом, все еще продолжается в настоящее время и определенным образом подводит итог продолжительности этого действия. Например:
I have been reading this book for a week. — Я читаю эту книгу уже неделю.


Present Perfect Progressive образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола to be в форме Present Perfect и причастия I.

have (has) been + глагол + -ing

1.    Утвердительное предложение

Jeff and Emilyhare been playingtennis for two hours. — Джеф и Эмили играют в теннис в течение двух часов.

2.    Отрицательное предложение

Jeff and Emilyhaven't been playing golf for three hours.

3.    Общий вопрос

Has Jeff been playing tennis for two hours? — Yes, he has.

4.    Альтернативный вопрос

Has Emily been playing tennis for two or for three hours? — Emilyhasbeen playing tennis for two hours.

5.    Вопрос к подлежащему

Who has been playing tennis for two hours? — Jeff and Emilyhave.

6.    Специальный вопрос

How longhave Jeff and Emily been playingtennis? — Theyhave been playing tennis for two hours.

7.    Разделительный вопрос

Jeff and Emily have been playing tennis for four hours, haven't they? — Yes, they have.
Случаи употребления

Если в предложении глагол стоит в форме Present Perfect Progressive, то. как правило, указывается период времени, в течение которого происходит действие. Период времени может быть выражен:
а)    обстоятельствами времени типа:all ту life, all these years, lately (в последнее время).

I have been working longer hours lately. - В последнее время я остаюсь на работе дольше.

в)    обстоятельствами времени, вводимыми предлогом for (в течение): for a week (в течение недели), for five years (в течение пяти лет),/ог а long time (в течение длительного времени) и т. д.
Lena and Sveta have already been talking on the phone for half an hour. - Лена и Света разговаривают по телефону уже полчаса.

с)    обстоятельствами времени, вводимыми словом since. Since, в зависимости от контекста, переводится по-разному: с, с тех пор, с тех пор как.

She has been dreaming about a dog since she was a child. - Она мечтает о собаке с детства.
Jane gave те this cassette on Monday. I have been listening to it since then. - Джейн дала мне кассету в понедельник. С тех пор я ее слушаю. She has been sleeping since she got back from her trip. - Она спит с тех пор, как вернулась из поездки.

Таким образом, слово since используется для обозначения момента начала действия.

Present Perfect Progressive не употребляется:

1) с глаголами, обозначающими состояние.

to love - любить                                to believe - верить
to remember — помнить                   to want - хотеть
to understand — понимать                to know — знать
to see - видеть                                 to forget - забыть
to hear - слышать                             to need - нуждаться
to hate — ненавидеть                       to be — быть
to like - нравиться                             to have - иметь

Вместо Present Perfect Progressive эти глаголы   

употребляются в Present Perfect. Например:

I have known my best friend since we were children. — Я знаю своего лучшего друга с тех пор, как мы были детьми.

2) если имеется полное отрицание действия. Например:

1 haven't played the guitar since I broke my arm. — Я не играю на гитаре с тех пор, как сломал руку.


1 Open the brackets. Use Present Perfect Progressive.

1.    My friend (work) on the project for two weeks.
2.    Kate (look for) her bag for ten minutes.
3.    You (sleep) all day again?
4.    Why you (listen) to this song since yesterday?
5.    How long (learn) English?

2    Read the sentences and say, в каких предложениях говорится:

а) Когда началось действие?
b) Как долго оно продолжалось?

1.    You have known your friend since you were five years old, haven't you?
2.    You have been reading a very interesting book for three days, haven't you?
3.    You have been working on a special project for a week, haven't you?
4.    You have been dreaming about having a dog since you were a child, haven't you?
5.    It has been raining since Monday, hasn't it!

2-10-38.jpg Give true answers.

3    Fill in the gaps with for or since.

1.    It has been raining ... yesterday.
2.    Mary hasn't had any guests ... last year.
3.    Tom's father has been building his house ... two years.
4.    My friends have been living in London ... many years.
5.    Alice has wanted a bicycle ... her last birthday.
6.    Peter and Kate have known each other ... ten years.
7.    I haven't gone out ... three days. I have been ill ... Saturday.

2-10-38.jpg Why didn't we use Present Perfect Progressive in some of the sentences?

4 Answer the questions about yourself. Use for or since.

1.    How long have you been at school today?
2.    How long have you known your best friend?
3.    How long have you lived in your town / city / village?  
4. How long have you been learning English?
5. How long have you known your English teacher?

5 Which of the sentences best describes the picture?


a)    It has been raining for two days
b)    It    rained yesterday.

a)    We have known each other since we were children.
b)    We knew each other when we were children.

a)    She has been sleeping since she came back from her trip.
b)    She    came back from her trip, got some sleep and unpacked her things.

a)    Mary has been reading an exciting book all day.
b)    Mary has read a very interesting book.


6 Rewrite the sentences.

Model:  My father began to watch TV two hours ago. He is still
             watching it.— My father has been watching TV for two hours.

1.    Ann began to write a letter at five o'clock. She is still writing it.
2.    They began to talk in the morning. They are still talking.
3.    It began to rain an hour ago. It is still raining.
4.    She began to cook dinner when we came. She is still cooking.
5.    He began to make a fire 20 minutes ago. He is still making it.
6.  1 began to take pictures two hours ago. I am still taking them.

7 Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense form: Present Perfect or Present Perfect Progressive. Explain your choice.

1.    She (teach) children all her life.
2.    Agnes (not eat) since Monday. She is on a diet.
3.    How long he (look) for a job?
4.    I heard a very funny song when I was ten. I (remember) that song since then.
5.    It (rain) since 10 o'clock.
6.    They already (wait) for his call for 15 minutes.
7.    She (learn) French since she came back from her trip.

8    Play a game. How long have you...? Use the cards from the Cut Out.

Если играет более одиннадцати человек, разбейтесь на группы. Каждый из игроков получает по одной карточке с вопросом.
Для того чтобы получить ответ на вопрос карточки, необходимо поговорить с каждым из участвующих в игре. Закончив сбор информации, играющим необходимо записать полученные данные и сообщить о них классу.

Model: Player 1: How long have you had this watch?
             Player 2: For ten days. It's new.

9    Listen to the interview and answer the questions.

1.    What is the man's name?                4. Where does he work?
2.    Where does he live?                        5. Is he married?
3.    What does he do?


A How interesting is your life? Answer the questions about the last few months of your life and find it out.

1.    Have you been doing any sports?
2.    Have you been sleeping a lot?
3.    Have you been going out with your friends?
4.    Have you been helping your parents with the housework?
5.    Have you been watching TV a lot?
6.    Have you been studying a lot?
7.    Have you been reading anything?


Your results

15-10-33.jpg  Unfortunately, your life isn't very exciting at the moment.Is that because it's autumn?

                        You must have more fun. Spend more time with your friends, find a hobby, get a dog and get out of the house more!

15-10-34.jpg   You're happy with your life. You have your own hobbies and interests and you don't want to change anything. But aren't things a

                         bit boring sometimes?

15-10-35.jpg   You're there when things happen. Or should we say things happen when you're there? You're the centre of attention,

                        but lately you have been doing too much. Remember, you can't be in two places at once. Don't forget it.
В Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

1    How many exercises you (do) since you started your homework?
2    Mrs Izard (write) this book since her husband died.
3    You (know) this man? How long you (know) him?
4    We already (talk) about it for a week. It's time to do something!
5    They (talk) for two hours and (not finish) yet.
6    Mr Dix is busy. How long he (be) busy?
7    Caroline (think) about Mark since he left.
8    How long you (have) this hat? I (have) it for years.
9    I (not see) your dog lately. What (happen)?

С Translate the sentences into English.

1.    Мы находимся в этом магазине уже 20 минут, а еще ничего не купили.
2.    "Что он делает?" — "Он играет в теннис".— "Как давно он играет?" — "Два часа".
3.    Они путешествуют уже две недели и уже позвонили два раза.
4.    "Где Молли?" — "Она болеет".— "Как давно она болеет?" — "С четверга".
5.    Они уже обсудили первый вопрос и сейчас обсуждают второй. Они обсуждают его уже час.

К. И. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман Английский язык: Счастливый английский.ру / Happy Учебник англ. яз. для 8 кл. общеобраз. учрежд.— Обнинск: Титул, 2008.— 288 с: ил.

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