1. Вдосконалити навички [[Знайомство із новою лексикою по темі „Професії”. Unit 7. les 1. Аудіювання та читання діалогу|аудіювання]].
2. Закріпити ці навички виконанням [[Повторення_“Present_Simple”._Виконання_вправ._Розвиток_діалогічного_мовлення|вправ]].
2. Закріпити ці навички виконанням [[Повторення “Present Simple”. Виконання вправ. Розвиток діалогічного мовлення|вправ]].
3. Розвинути здатність сприймати на слух [[Народна_та_авторська_пісня._Повні_уроки|пісню]] та відтворювати її.
3. Розвинути здатність сприймати на слух [[Народна та авторська пісня. Повні уроки|пісню]] та відтворювати її.
Строка 19:
Строка 19:
=== Привітання ===
=== Привітання ===
Hello, children! Today we will have a very interesting lesson – we will watch a cartoon, [[Українські_народні_жартівливі_пісні.Четвертна_пауза._Ліга._Повні_уроки|sing a song]] and, of course, do [[Завдання_до_теми_Виконання_граматичних_вправ_на_повторення|interesting exercises]] to improve your knowledge.
Hello, children! Today we will have a very interesting lesson – we will watch a cartoon, [[Українські народні жартівливі пісні.Четвертна пауза. Ліга. Повні уроки|sing a song]] and, of course, do [[Завдання до теми Виконання граматичних вправ на повторення|interesting exercises]] to improve your knowledge.
Строка 49:
Строка 49:
=== Вправи для аудіювання ===
=== Вправи для аудіювання ===
Ok, now let’s do some [[Виконання_вправ._Photo_File_Section_4._Задачі_та_вправи|exercises]].
Ok, now let’s do some [[Виконання вправ. Photo File Section 4. Задачі та вправи|exercises]].
Строка 77:
Строка 77:
8. The Shoemaker gave the Elves some food because they were very hungry.
8. The Shoemaker gave the Elves some food because they were very hungry.
9. The Elves received new [[Робота_з_лексикою_по_темі_«Моє_тіло._Одяг»|clothes]] and tiny new shoes from the Shoemaker and his wife.
9. The Elves received new [[Робота з лексикою по темі «Моє тіло. Одяг»|clothes]] and tiny new shoes from the Shoemaker and his wife.
10. The Shoemaker became rich and Elves lived in his house.
10. The Shoemaker became rich and Elves lived in his house.
Строка 169:
Строка 169:
=== Вивчення пісні ===
=== Вивчення пісні ===
Now let’s listen to a funny [[Колискові_пісні._Тридольний_розмір._Повні_уроки|song]]. I’m sure you know every word in it!
Now let’s listen to a funny [[Колискові пісні. Тридольний розмір. Повні уроки|song]]. I’m sure you know every word in it!
Строка 193:
Строка 193:
[[Аудіювання_та_читання_діалогу._Види_вимірів_продуктів.|Chocolate, Cherries, Banana and Berries]]
[[Аудіювання та читання діалогу. Види вимірів продуктів.|Chocolate, Cherries, Banana and Berries]]
Honey baby I love you!
Honey baby I love you!
Строка 221:
Строка 221:
June, July and August too.
June, July and August too.
[[«Чотири_пори_року»,_«У_дитячому_театрі»_Н._Забіла|September, October, November]], December
[[«Чотири пори року», «У дитячому театрі» Н. Забіла|September, October, November]], December
Honey baby I love you!
Honey baby I love you!
Строка 241:
Строка 241:
'''Список використаних джерел:'''
'''Список використаних джерел:'''
1. [[Английский_язык|Английский]] клуб "О. Генри. Рассказы"
3. Розвинути здатність сприймати на слух пісню та відтворювати її.
Хід уроку
Hello, children! Today we will have a very interesting lesson – we will watch a cartoon, sing a song and, of course, do interesting exercises to improve your knowledge.
First let’s warm up a little. Why not repeat the ABC song, just for fun before we begin?
Now you will watch a very interesting tale about a Shoemaker and The Elves. It is in English so listen to the story attentively and try to understand it.
Вправа 1. Say, whether the statements are true or false.
1. The Shoemaker was very rich and that is why he didn’t sell the shoes no more.
2. Elves helped the Shoemaker to make shoes.
3. The Shoemaker and his wife were poor because nobody bought the shoes.
4. The Elves helped the Shoemaker online once.
5. The Shoemaker saw the Elves and talked to them.
6. The Shoemaker didn’t know what was going on.
7. Once he and his wife decided to hide behind the door at night and saw the Elves flying.
8. The Shoemaker gave the Elves some food because they were very hungry.
9. The Elves received new clothes and tiny new shoes from the Shoemaker and his wife.
10. The Shoemaker became rich and Elves lived in his house.
The Shoemaker
Вправа 2. Imagine that you are a Shoemaker. Tell the story about the Elves that helped you get rich. For example,
I am a poor Shoemaker, I live with my wife in a small house….
I give you 5 minutes to write 5 sentences and then we will listen to your stories.
Ok, it is time for us to read a little! Here is a story about a man who had three sons. Let’s read sentence by sentence.
Which Is Better?
There was once a man who had three sons, and all of them loved the same girl. Each of them asked the girl the same question: “Will you marry me?” All of them were clever, handsome and strong. The girl liked each of the three young men and could not decide which of them was the best.
One day the father of the three brothers said, “Here is some money for you. You will go on a long travel. While you are traveling, you must look for a very, very useful thing. When you find it, you will buy it and bring it home.”
The three brothers traveled for a long time, and they bought three very useful things.
The first young man bought a magic carpet. On it he could fly to any place in no time. The second brother bought a magic looking-glass. When he looked into it, he could see anyone and everything that he wanted to see. The third bought a magic lemon. The juice of that lemon could make a dying man or a woman well again.
The three brothers came together and showed their things to one another. Then one of them said, “We are far from our home and from our dear girl. Let us look into the looking-glass and see her”.
The second brother took out his looking-glass, and they all looked into it. They saw that the girl was very, very ill. Then the first brother asked the other brothers to sit down on his carpet, and all of them were at the girl’s house in no time. The third brother cut his lemon and gave the juice to the girl. The girl drank it, and she was well again.
The young men were very happy.
“Now which of us will you marry?” they asked the girl.
“I thank you all, my dear friends”, answered the girl. “One of the brothers saw me in his looking-glass, and that helped to save my life. His looking-glass is a very useful thing, and he will have it forever. Another brother brought all three of you here on his carpet, and that helped to save me, too. It is also a very useful thing, and he will have it forever. And one of you gave me the lemon juice, and now I am well again. But he has no lemon now. He gave all he had to save me. I will be his wife”.
And the other two brothers said, “Yes, the girl is right”.
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