Some, any, no. Виконання вправ.
Строка 95: Строка 95:
“Your homework is to do the exercises…”<br><br>'''Список використаних джерел:'''  
“Your homework is to do the exercises…”<br><br>'''Список використаних джерел:'''  
1. Б. Голіцинський "Граматика [[Англійська мова|англійської мови]]"  
''1. Б. Голіцинський "Граматика ''[[Англійська мова|''англійської мови'']]''"''
2. Самоучитель английского языка  
''2. Самоучитель английского языка''
3. "[[Английский язык 5 класс|Английский язык]] для школьников. Письменный экзамен"  
''3. "''[[Английский язык 5 класс|''Английский язык'']]''для школьников. Письменный экзамен"''

Текущая версия на 19:39, 2 июля 2012

Гіпермаркет Знань>>Англійська мова>>Англійська мова 4 клас. Повні уроки>> Англійська мова: Some, any, no. Виконання вправ. Повні уроки


Мета уроку

1. Вивчити новий граматичний матеріал.
2. Оволодіти навичками використання нового граматичного матеріалу за допомогою тренувальних вправ.
3. Перегляд навчального відео з теми уроку.


Хід уроку


“Hello, children! I’m glad to see you and begin our lesson. Today we will learn the quantifiers Some, Any and No. Let’s begin our lesson”.

Пояснення нового граматичного матеріалу

Some/any mean an indefinite quantity or quality. Some is used in affirmitive sentences. Any is used in interrgative and negative forms.

2. NO
No means negation, when something is missing.

урок в классе

Affirmitive form. We have some books.
Negative form. We have no books.
Interrogative form. Have you any dictionaries?

REMEMBER! If we use no in the sentence we don't use other negative verbs in it.

1. He doesn't have no money - WRONG.
2. He has no money - RIGHT.

пустые карманы

He has no money

Word-combintions with some, any and no:
There are several word-combinations created with some, any and no.

1. Something, anything and nothing.

Affirmitive form. I can see something on the desk.
Negaive form. I can see nothing on the desk. I can't see anything on the desk.
Interrogative form. Can you see anything on the desk?

рабочий стол

Can you see anything on the desk?

2. Somebody, anybody, nobody.

Affirmitive form. He asks somebody to help him.
Negative form. There is nobody to help him.
Interrogative form. Is there anybody to help him?

3. Somewhere, anywhere, nowhere.

Affirmitive form. I have somewhere to go.
Negative form. I have nowhere to go.
Interrogative form. Have you anywhere to go?

Виконання вправ

Вправа 1. Insert some, any or no.
1.I need ... sugar, ... water and ... tea to makea cup of tea.
2. There is ... milk in the fridge, but there isn't ... butter.
3. Are there ... eggs? - There aren't ... eggs.
4. We don't have ... bread.
5. I need to buy a lot of food. There is ... time to sit at home.
6. I have a lot of interesting books at home. I can give you ... of them to read.
7. My father does a lot of work in the office. He has ..time to rest.
8. Are there ... English books on the shelf?
9. I have ... letters for you.
10. My siser has many shirts in the wardrobe. You can take ... of them.


My siser has many shirts in the wardrobe.

1. There are ... pictures in the book.
2. Are there ... new pupils in your class?
3. There are ... beautiful houses in our town.
4. Are there ... good books in the library? - Yes, there are ...
5. Have you got ... pets at home?
6. There are ... beautiful pictures on the wall.
7. It is winter. There are ... leaves on the trees.
8. There are ... buses today and I can't go to school.
9. There is ... cakes. Do you want ...?
10. Can I have ... milk in the tea? I don't like black tea.

чай с молоком

Tea with milk

Вправа 2. Insert something, everything or nothing.

1. My father teahes me ... he knows.
2. My sister has bad memory. She can't remember ...
3. I think there is ... wrong with my computer.
4. We have ... to drink. We only have ... to eat.
5. The student doesn't understand ... because he can hear ...
6. Does your brother know ... about medicine?
7. ... is alright. We areat home now.
8. Is there ... intereting in this book?
9. Give me ... to eat. I am very hungry.
10. I can see ... It is very dark here.

Вправа 3. Insert somebody, anybody or nobody.

1. Don' tell ... abou it. It is a secret.
2. Life is not easy. ... has problems.
3. ... knocks the door. Is there ... to open?
4. I know ... here. But I hope to find many friends.
5. ... knows that it is very importan to be healthy.
6. The question is very difficult. ... can answer it.
7. Is there ... who knows English? I am sure ... does.
8. I think ... likes this film. t is very interesting.
9. ... is at home. Come back later.
10. Do you know ... in this room? Yes, I know ...

Вправа 4. Fill the gaps with the proper word.

1. We haven't ... friends from England (any, no).
2. There are ... yellow boots in this shop.
3. I don't want ..., thank you (nothing, anything).
4. There is a lot of nice things. I want to buy ... (something, nothing).
5. We play ... games in the yard today because it is raining (some, no).
6. How much did you pay for this book? - I paid ... It is a present (everything, nothing).
7. Did you lose ...? (anything, nothing) No, I lost ... (everything, nothing).

Вправа 5. Put the sentences in the negative and interrogative forms.

1. We have something to do.
2. My father gave me some money.
3. You have something interesting for us.
4. I took some English books in the library.
5. She is writing something.
6. He reads a letter to somebody.
7. There some good shops in our street.
8. Somebody is in the office.
9. My brother has something tasty in his bag.
10. There are some big parks in our town.


There are some big parks in our town.
Вправа 6. Insert somewhere, anywhere or nowhere.

1. I can't find my keys ...
2. Ann lives ... not far from Kiev.
3. I have ... to go to, so I stay at school till my parents come and take me home.
4. This song can be found ... I need to buy a CD.
5. I put my hat ... yesterday and I can't find it ... now.
6. My sister wants to go ... next summer.
7. The weather is great. Let's go ...
8. It is my birthday today. The flowers are ...

Вправа 7. Translate into English.

1. Моєї сестри тут немає. Я шукаю її скрізь, але не можу знайти. Хто-небудь її бачив? Ось вона. Ніхто не бачить, що вона на дворі грає у м’яча.
2. На дивані лежить щось велике.
3. Ніхто не знає нічого про нового вчителя.
4. В нашому місті багато гарних парків. Там скрізь квіти та дерева.
5. Джон живе десь у цьому будинку.
6. Я знаю всіх у цій кімнаті.
7. Тут дуже жарко. Дай мені трохи води, будь-ласка.
8. Хтось знає, де моя нова сорочка?
9. Ти знаєш щось про історію Англії? Так, я знаю все. Це моя улюблена країна.
10. Мій брат десь у парку. Він грає у футбол зі своїми друзями. Я нікого там не знаю. Тому піду куди-небудь із подругою поїм морозива.

Кінець уроку

“Our lesson is over. You worked really good today, thank you!”

Домашнє завдання

“Your homework is to do the exercises…”

Список використаних джерел:

1. Б. Голіцинський "Граматика англійської мови"

2. Самоучитель английского языка

3. "Английский языкдля школьников. Письменный экзамен"

Над уроком працювали

Любименко В.
Мєдвєдєва К.

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Предмети > Англійська мова > Англійська мова 4 клас. Повні уроки > Some, any, no. Виконання вправ. Повні уроки