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(Новая страница: «'''Гіпермаркет Знань>>[[Англійська мова|Англійська ...») Следующая правка → Версия 09:13, 15 апреля 2011Гіпермаркет Знань>>Англійська мова>>Англійська мова 11 клас. Повні уроки>> Англійська мова: Розмовна тема Cinema. Повні уроки Цілі
Обладнанняноутбук, зображення відомих людей Великобританії, аудіозапис пісні, роздатковий матеріал. Хід урокуОрганізаційний момент (2 хв).Вчитель: Hello! How are you? Take your seats, please. Who is absent? Do you know what the matter is? O.k., thank you. Write down the date to your copybooks. Мовленнєва зарядка (3 хв).Вчитель: What is the weather like today? Do you like it or not? (Учні відповідають). I see. And what do you think is the weather like in Britain? Is it sunny or rainy? (Відповіді). Презентація монологічних висловлювань на тему «History of Great Britain» (12 хв).
- Prehistoric Britain
Виконання тесту на перехресний вибір (5 хв).
Гра «Впізнай людину на фото» (10 хв).Вчитель: Do you know whom is the history created by? Yes, you are right – people make history with their lives and acts. Every country has its own famous people whose role in the history was enormous. So does Great Britain. And now I would like to find out whether you know some outstanding personalities from the British history. I will show you pictures and photos of these people and you should name the person and tell me what he or she is/was. Use examples written on the blackboard. But don’t cry out! Come on!
Alex Ferguson (football player & manager), Charles Dickens (writer), David Beckham (football player), David Coulthard (Formula-1 racer), David Craig (actor), Diana Spencer (Prince Charles’ ex-wife), Elisabeth II (Queen of the UK), George Byron (poet), Sting (Gordon Matthew Thomas Sumner – singer), Isaac Newton (scientist & philosopher), Joan Rowling (writer, author of “Harry Potter” book series), Prince Charles (Prince of Wales, official heir), Elton John (Reginald Kenneth Dwight – singer & composer), Sean Connery (actor), Victoria Adams-Beckham (singer & designer), William Shakespeare (poet & playwright), Winston Churchill (Prime-Minister during WWII), Paul McCartney (singer from “The Beatles”). Alex Ferguson Charles Dickens
Аудіювання пісні (7 хв).Вчитель: And now we will relax a bit. We mentioned “The Beatles”, great English band, so that is why I suggest our listening to one of their songs. Everybody knows its title and its music, but few of us know its sense. It is … “Yesterday”, you are right. You have texts of this song, but there are some blanks there. After the first listening, you have to fill them out. And then let’s sing together! Завершення уроку (3 хв).Вчитель: I hope you enjoyed this lesson as I did. You were amazing, and your marks for today are: … Thank you very much! Good-bye! Have a nice evening! “Yesterday” by “The Beatles”
StonehengeNobody knows what it was built for, perhaps Druid temple or perhaps an astronomical calculator. Work started on it in 3100 BC and it was continuously being built, used and modified until 1100 BC.
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Над уроком працювали: Абраменко О.В. Любименко В.В.
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