'''[[Гіпермаркет Знань - перший в світі!|Гіпермаркет Знань]]>>[[Англійська мова|Англійська мова]]>>[[Англійська мова 4 клас. Повні уроки|Англійська мова 4 клас. Повні уроки]]>> Англійська мова: Повторення граматичного часу Present simple. Виконання вправ. Повні уроки'''
'''[[Гіпермаркет Знань - перший в світі!|Гіпермаркет Знань]]>>[[Англійська мова|Англійська мова]]>>[[Англійська мова 4 клас. Повні уроки|Англійська мова 4 клас. Повні уроки]]>> Англійська мова: Повторення граматичного часу Present simple. Виконання вправ. Повні уроки'''<br>
'''<metakeywords>англійська мова, 4 клас, повні уроки, повторення, present simple, виконання вправ</metakeywords>'''<br>
=== Мета уроку ===
<br>1. Повторити пройдений матеріал з теми Present Simple.<br>2. Закріпити навички використання Present Simple.<br> <br>
=== Хід уроку ===
=== Привітання ===
Hello, children! I’m glad to see you. Today we will revise the topic of Present Simple Tense and do some exercises to check your knowledge. Let us begin.<br><br>
=== Повторення граматичного матеріалу ===
'''<metakeywords>англійська мова, 4 клас, повні уроки, повторення, present simple, виконання вправ</metakeywords>Тема уроку:''' Повторення граматичного часу Present simple. Виконання вправ.<br><br>'''Мета уроку:'''<br>1. Повторити пройдений матеріал з теми Present Simple.<br>2. Закріпити навички використання Present Simple.<br> <br>'''Хід уроку.'''<br>''1. Привітання''<br>Hello, children! I’m glad to see you. Today we will revise the topic of Present Simple Tense and do some exercises to check your knowledge. Let us begin.<br><br>''2. Повторення граматичного матеріалу.''<br><br>Present Simple is used for expressing the constant action, or the action which is repeated.<br><br>Examples: <br>1. I read letters in the office every day.<br>2. My friend comes to school at 8 o’clock.<br>3. My sister doesn’t go to walk every day.<br><br><u>Negative form</u><br><br>The negative form of Present Simple is created with the help of auxiliary verb do (does) and participle to.<br><br>I do not (don’t)<br>You do not (don’t) <br>He does not (doesn’t) work<br>She does not (doesn’t)<br><br>We do not (don’t) <br>You do not (don’t) work <br>They do not (don’t)<br><br><u>Interrogative form</u><br><br>Interrogative form of Present Simple is created with the help of auxiliary verb do (does) before the subject.
<br>Present Simple is used for expressing the constant action, or the action which is repeated.<br><br>Examples: <br>1. I read letters in the office every day.<br>2. My friend comes to school at 8 o’clock.<br>3. My sister doesn’t go to walk every day.<br><br>'''Negative form'''<br><br>The negative form of Present Simple is created with the help of auxiliary verb do (does) and participle to.<br><br>I do not (don’t)<br>You do not (don’t) <br>He does not (doesn’t) work<br>She does not (doesn’t)<br><br>We do not (don’t) <br>You do not (don’t) work <br>They do not (don’t)<br><br>'''Interrogative form'''<br><br>Interrogative form of Present Simple is created with the help of auxiliary verb do (does) before the subject.
Строка 9:
Строка 21:
<br><br>''4. Виконання вправ.''<br><br>Вправа 1. Make the sentences and read them.<br><br>I <br>She <br>They Read Newspaper in the evening<br>The teacher reads <br>My parents <br>His sister <br><br><br>I <br>He <br>My father Don’t Come back home late<br>Their pupils Doesn’t <br>John <br><br><br>Do You <br>Does She Play football in the afternoon Yes, …<br>
=== Виконання вправ ===
We No, …<br> Your son <br> Their friends <br><br><br>Вправа 2. Change the sentences as in the example.<br><br>We live in the big house. John lives in the big house.<br><br>1. I keep my books on the shelf. My brother...<br>2. I have breakfast with my parents. Anna..<br>3. My sister goes to the music school. Children...<br>4. I learn English. Diana...<br>5. His mother works in the office. My parents...<br>6. I often read books about history. My father...<br>7. My friends call me every day. My classmate...<br>8. I go to school by bus. Jenny...<br><br>Вправа 3. Your friend tells about himself. Listen to the text.<br><br>My name is Alex. I live in Kiev. I am a pupil of the tenth form - I study English a the English school. I get up at 8 o'clock, have breakfast, drink tea, say goodbye to my parents and go to the bus stop. I take the bus number 10 and get to school at 9 o'clock. The lessons begin at 9.15 and finish at 2 o'clock. I have dinner at school and stay till half past three. I come back home at 4 o'clock. On Wednesdays and Fridays I g to play football with my friends. I go to bed at 10 o'clock.<br><br>Now I want you to tell about your friend's day.<br><br>Example: My friend's name is Alex. He lives in...<br>
'''Вправа 1. '''Make the sentences and read them.<br><br>I <br>She <br>They Read Newspaper in the evening<br>The teacher reads <br>My parents <br>His sister <br><br><br>I <br>He <br>My father Don’t Come back home late<br>Their pupils Doesn’t <br>John <br><br><br>Do You <br>Does She Play football in the afternoon Yes, …<br>
We No, …<br> Your son <br> Their friends <br><br><br>'''Вправа 2. '''Change the sentences as in the example.<br><br>We live in the big house. John lives in the big house.<br><br>1. I keep my books on the shelf. My brother...<br>2. I have breakfast with my parents. Anna..<br>3. My sister goes to the music school. Children...<br>4. I learn English. Diana...<br>5. His mother works in the office. My parents...<br>6. I often read books about history. My father...<br>7. My friends call me every day. My classmate...<br>8. I go to school by bus. Jenny...<br><br>'''Вправа 3. '''Your friend tells about himself. Listen to the text.<br><br>My name is Alex. I live in Kiev. I am a pupil of the tenth form - I study English a the English school. I get up at 8 o'clock, have breakfast, drink tea, say goodbye to my parents and go to the bus stop. I take the bus number 10 and get to school at 9 o'clock. The lessons begin at 9.15 and finish at 2 o'clock. I have dinner at school and stay till half past three. I come back home at 4 o'clock. On Wednesdays and Fridays I g to play football with my friends. I go to bed at 10 o'clock.<br><br>Now I want you to tell about your friend's day.
[[Image:88888 angl4 pu.jpg|280px]]<br><br>Example: My friend's name is Alex. He lives in...<br>
<br>Вправа 4. Put the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Use the right verbs forms.<br><br>1. We ___ tennis at school. (to play)<br>2. My sister ___ letters to her friend. (to write)<br>3. ___ you like ____ books? (to read)<br>4. I ___ watching scary movies. (not/to like)<br>5. ___ John ___ a dog at home? (to have)<br>6. My friend ____ in the library. (to work)<br>7. Alex ____ books fast. (to read)<br>8. ____ Ann and Gary ____ their homework well? (to prepare)<br>9. My father ___ the car very well. (to drive)<br>10. ____ you ____ tea in the morning? (to like/to drink)<br><br>Вправа 5. Look at the picture and say what children are doing.<br><br>[[Image:Present.jpg|center|Present.jpg]]<br><br>Вправа 6. Choose the correct answer:<br>1. I … a pupil of the forth form.<br>- are<br>- is<br>- am<br><br>2. My mother … excuses when I want to play football after school.<br>- always make<br>- make always<br>- always makes<br><br>3. Our pupils … speak French in class.<br>- don’t speak<br>- doesn’t speaks<br>- don’t speaks<br><br>4. My sister … eight years old.<br>- not is<br>- is not<br>- are not<br><br>5. Anny … books sometimes.<br>- reads<br>- read<br>- not read<br><br>6. The flowers … watered by Jenny.<br>- normally is<br>- are normally<br>- normally are<br><br>7. My mother … in England now.<br>- is<br>- are<br>- am<br><br>8. My friend … me on Mondays.<br>- phone<br>- phones<br>- phoning<br><br>9. I … what it is about.<br>- knows<br>- know<br>- don’t knows<br><br>10. My brother … in the office.<br>- working<br>- work<br>- works
<br>'''Вправа 4.''' Put the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Use the right verbs forms.<br><br>1. We ___ tennis at school. (to play)<br>2. My sister ___ letters to her friend. (to write)<br>3. ___ you like ____ books? (to read)<br>4. I ___ watching scary movies. (not/to like)<br>5. ___ John ___ a dog at home? (to have)<br>6. My friend ____ in the library. (to work)<br>7. Alex ____ books fast. (to read)<br>8. ____ Ann and Gary ____ their homework well? (to prepare)<br>9. My father ___ the car very well. (to drive)<br>10. ____ you ____ tea in the morning? (to like/to drink)<br><br>'''Вправа 5.''' Look at the picture and say what children are doing.
<br><br>[[Image:Present.jpg|300px|Present]]<br><br>'''Вправа 6.''' Choose the correct answer:<br>1. I … a pupil of the forth form.<br>- are<br>- is<br>- am<br><br>2. My mother … excuses when I want to play football after school.<br>- always make<br>- make always<br>- always makes<br><br>3. Our pupils … speak French in class.<br>- don’t speak<br>- doesn’t speaks<br>- don’t speaks<br><br>4. My sister … eight years old.<br>- not is<br>- is not<br>- are not<br><br>5. Anny … books sometimes.<br>- reads<br>- read<br>- not read<br><br>6. The flowers … watered by Jenny.<br>- normally is<br>- are normally<br>- normally are<br><br>7. My mother … in England now.<br>- is<br>- are<br>- am<br><br>8. My friend … me on Mondays.<br>- phone<br>- phones<br>- phoning<br><br>9. I … what it is about.<br>- knows<br>- know<br>- don’t knows<br><br>10. My brother … in the office.<br>- working<br>- work<br>- works
{{#ev:youtube|yWccPqg1DbI}}<br><br>Вправа 7. Insert the given words where necessary.<br><br>'''dress drink brush go rings have wash get up drink arrives eat take have breakfast clean is go'''<br><br>Every morning I … when my alarm … After 15 minutes I go to the bathroom, … my teeth, … and … my hair. Then I go to my room, … and go to the kitchen to … I usually … tea but sometimes I like to … coffee in the morning. I like to drink coffee with milk - it … very tasty. I usually … cornflakes for breakfast with yoghurt and … some fruits.<br>After the breakfast I … my bag and … to the bus-stop. The bus usually … at 9 o’clock and I .. to the college.<br><br>Вправа 8. Look at the pictures and describe the working day of Mister John using Present Simple Tense.<br><br>[[Image:Get up.gif]] [[Image:Wash.gif]] [[Image:Dress1.gif]] [[Image:Breakfast.gif]] [[Image:Newspaper.gif]]<br>
{{#ev:youtube|yWccPqg1DbI}}<br><br>'''Вправа 7. '''Insert the given words where necessary.<br><br>dress drink brush go rings have wash get up drink arrives eat take have breakfast clean is go<br><br>Every morning I … when my alarm … After 15 minutes I go to the bathroom, … my teeth, … and … my hair. Then I go to my room, … and go to the kitchen to … I usually … tea but sometimes I like to … coffee in the morning. I like to drink coffee with milk - it … very tasty. I usually … cornflakes for breakfast with yoghurt and … some fruits.<br>After the breakfast I … my bag and … to the bus-stop. The bus usually … at 9 o’clock and I .. to the college.<br><br>'''Вправа 8. '''Look at the pictures and describe the working day of Mister John using Present Simple Tense.<br><br>[[Image:Get up.gif|280px|проснулся]] [[Image:Wash.gif]]
[[Image:Go out.gif]] [[Image:Office.gif]] [[Image:Basket.gif]] [[Image:Sleep.gif]]<br><br>''5. Кінець уроку.''<br>The lesson is over. Thank you for the attention. Your marks …<br><br>''6. Домашнє завдання.''<br>Your homework is to do the exercises… and to tell me about your working day using not less than 10 verbs in Present Simple.<br><br>Список використаної літератури:
The lesson is over. Thank you for the attention. Your marks …<br>
'''<u>Над уроком працювали</u>'''
=== Домашнє завдання ===
Your homework is to do the exercises… and to tell me about your working day using not less than 10 verbs in Present Simple.<br><br>'''Список використаної літератури:'''
1. Б. Голицинский "Грамматика английского языка"
2. Леонид Кутузов "Практическая грамматика английского языка"
3. Н.А. Бонк, И.И. Левина "Английский шаг за шагом-1"<br><br>''Скомпоновано та відредактовано Медведєвою Ксенією. ''<br>
Мєдвєдєва Ксенія
'''Над уроком працювали'''
Любименко В.
Мєдвєдєва К.
Поставить вопрос о современном образовании, выразить идею или решить назревшую проблему Вы можете на [http://xvatit.com/forum/ '''Образовательном форуме'''], где на международном уровне собирается образовательный совет свежей мысли и действия. Создав [http://xvatit.com/club/blogs/ '''блог,'''] Вы не только повысите свой статус, как компетентного преподавателя, но и сделаете весомый вклад в развитие школы будущего. [http://xvatit.com/school/guild/ '''Гильдия Лидеров Образования'''] открывает двери для специалистов высшего ранга и приглашает к сотрудничеству в направлении создания лучших в мире школ.<br>
<br> Поставить вопрос о современном образовании, выразить идею или решить назревшую проблему Вы можете на [http://xvatit.com/forum/ '''Образовательном форуме'''], где на международном уровне собирается образовательный совет свежей мысли и действия. Создав [http://xvatit.com/club/blogs/ '''блог,'''] Вы не только повысите свой статус, как компетентного преподавателя, но и сделаете весомый вклад в развитие школы будущего. [http://xvatit.com/school/guild/ '''Гильдия Лидеров Образования'''] открывает двери для специалистов высшего ранга и приглашает к сотрудничеству в направлении создания лучших в мире школ.<br>
1. Повторити пройдений матеріал з теми Present Simple. 2. Закріпити навички використання Present Simple.
Хід уроку
Hello, children! I’m glad to see you. Today we will revise the topic of Present Simple Tense and do some exercises to check your knowledge. Let us begin.
Повторення граматичного матеріалу
Present Simple is used for expressing the constant action, or the action which is repeated.
Examples: 1. I read letters in the office every day. 2. My friend comes to school at 8 o’clock. 3. My sister doesn’t go to walk every day.
Negative form
The negative form of Present Simple is created with the help of auxiliary verb do (does) and participle to.
I do not (don’t) You do not (don’t) He does not (doesn’t) work She does not (doesn’t)
We do not (don’t) You do not (don’t) work They do not (don’t)
Interrogative form
Interrogative form of Present Simple is created with the help of auxiliary verb do (does) before the subject.
Виконання вправ
Вправа 1. Make the sentences and read them.
I She They Read Newspaper in the evening The teacher reads My parents His sister
I He My father Don’t Come back home late Their pupils Doesn’t John
Do You Does She Play football in the afternoon Yes, …
We No, … Your son Their friends
Вправа 2. Change the sentences as in the example.
We live in the big house. John lives in the big house.
1. I keep my books on the shelf. My brother... 2. I have breakfast with my parents. Anna.. 3. My sister goes to the music school. Children... 4. I learn English. Diana... 5. His mother works in the office. My parents... 6. I often read books about history. My father... 7. My friends call me every day. My classmate... 8. I go to school by bus. Jenny...
Вправа 3. Your friend tells about himself. Listen to the text.
My name is Alex. I live in Kiev. I am a pupil of the tenth form - I study English a the English school. I get up at 8 o'clock, have breakfast, drink tea, say goodbye to my parents and go to the bus stop. I take the bus number 10 and get to school at 9 o'clock. The lessons begin at 9.15 and finish at 2 o'clock. I have dinner at school and stay till half past three. I come back home at 4 o'clock. On Wednesdays and Fridays I g to play football with my friends. I go to bed at 10 o'clock.
Now I want you to tell about your friend's day.
Example: My friend's name is Alex. He lives in...
Вправа 4. Put the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Use the right verbs forms.
1. We ___ tennis at school. (to play) 2. My sister ___ letters to her friend. (to write) 3. ___ you like ____ books? (to read) 4. I ___ watching scary movies. (not/to like) 5. ___ John ___ a dog at home? (to have) 6. My friend ____ in the library. (to work) 7. Alex ____ books fast. (to read) 8. ____ Ann and Gary ____ their homework well? (to prepare) 9. My father ___ the car very well. (to drive) 10. ____ you ____ tea in the morning? (to like/to drink)
Вправа 5. Look at the picture and say what children are doing.
Вправа 6. Choose the correct answer: 1. I … a pupil of the forth form. - are - is - am
2. My mother … excuses when I want to play football after school. - always make - make always - always makes
3. Our pupils … speak French in class. - don’t speak - doesn’t speaks - don’t speaks
4. My sister … eight years old. - not is - is not - are not
5. Anny … books sometimes. - reads - read - not read
6. The flowers … watered by Jenny. - normally is - are normally - normally are
7. My mother … in England now. - is - are - am
8. My friend … me on Mondays. - phone - phones - phoning
9. I … what it is about. - knows - know - don’t knows
10. My brother … in the office. - working - work - works
Вправа 7. Insert the given words where necessary.
dress drink brush go rings have wash get up drink arrives eat take have breakfast clean is go
Every morning I … when my alarm … After 15 minutes I go to the bathroom, … my teeth, … and … my hair. Then I go to my room, … and go to the kitchen to … I usually … tea but sometimes I like to … coffee in the morning. I like to drink coffee with milk - it … very tasty. I usually … cornflakes for breakfast with yoghurt and … some fruits. After the breakfast I … my bag and … to the bus-stop. The bus usually … at 9 o’clock and I .. to the college.
Вправа 8. Look at the pictures and describe the working day of Mister John using Present Simple Tense.
The lesson is over. Thank you for the attention. Your marks …
Домашнє завдання
Your homework is to do the exercises… and to tell me about your working day using not less than 10 verbs in Present Simple.
Список використаної літератури:
1. Б. Голицинский "Грамматика английского языка"
2. Леонид Кутузов "Практическая грамматика английского языка"
3. Н.А. Бонк, И.И. Левина "Английский шаг за шагом-1"
Скомпоновано та відредактовано Медведєвою Ксенією.
Над уроком працювали
Любименко В.
Мєдвєдєва К.
Поставить вопрос о современном образовании, выразить идею или решить назревшую проблему Вы можете на Образовательном форуме, где на международном уровне собирается образовательный совет свежей мысли и действия. Создав блог, Вы не только повысите свой статус, как компетентного преподавателя, но и сделаете весомый вклад в развитие школы будущего. Гильдия Лидеров Образования открывает двери для специалистов высшего ранга и приглашает к сотрудничеству в направлении создания лучших в мире школ.