Гіпермаркет Знань>>Англійська мова>>Англійська мова 9 клас. Повні уроки>> Англійська мова: Семестрове оцінювання з аудіювання: Lady Tichborne. Повний урок Англійська мова, клac, урoк, нa тeму, 9 клac, Аудіювання та читання: How Einstein discovered the law of relativity Тип уроку: урок-узагальнення Мета уроку: вдосконалити навички сприйняття та розуміння мови на слух. Зaвдaння урoку: послухати англійський текст; опрацювати лексику з теми; відповісти на запитання до тексту; виконати практичні завдання для визначення рівня розуміння тексту; розвинути навички виконання письмових вправ. Хід урoку: Lady Tichborne Over 150 years ago, a rich woman in England called Lady Tichborne put advertisements in newspapers around the world. They announced that she was looking for news about her son, Sir Roger Tichborne, who had been on a ship called The Bella travelling back from South America in 1854. The Bella had sunk, and all passengers were presumed drowned, but Lady Tichborne refused to believe that Roger had died. Eleven years after the accident Lady Tichborne received a letter from a lawyer in Sydney, Australia. The lawyer explained that he was representing a man called Arthur Orton. Orton had told the lawyer that he was Lady Tichborne's son. Overjoyed, Lady Tichborne asked an old family servant who was now living in Sydney to visit Orton and corroborate his story. The servant remembered a slim, dark-haired young man, but found Orton to be fat with light brown hair. However, Orton could remember so many details about the family that he soon convinced the servant that he was Sir Roger. So, Orton met Lady Tichborne in Paris. She was French and had taught Roger to speak the language fluently. When she saw Orton she was so happy to have her precious son back, even though he looked rather different and couldn't speak a word of French. Lady Tichborne promised Orton that he would receive £1,000 a year. Once Lady Tichborne had accepted him, many other friends and family members did the same. However, several members of the family were unhappy. They alleged that the man was an impostor, but Lady Tichborne ignored them. When Lady Tichborne died, Orton wanted to claim all of the family land and money from Lady Tichborne's younger son, Henry. The family hired lawyers to investigate him, and in 1874 there was a famous trial that lasted 188 days. Over 100 witnesses claimed that Orton was Sir Roger. However, the lawyers proved that Orton had been born in London, the son of a butcher. The jury found him guilty and he was sentenced to ten years in prison. Many people who had supported him refused to believe the truth and started a protest in the streets of London. However, when he left prison in 1884 everyone had forgotten him. In 1885, Orton confessed that he had been an impostor all along, but later claimed he was innocent. He died in poverty in 1898, and his coffin still bears the name Sir Roger Tichborne!
1. What is the name of Lady Tichborne’s son? 2. When did Lady Tichborne receive a letter from a lawyer in Sydney? 3. What did the lawyer explain? 4. When did Lady Tichborne’s son die?
1. Lооk thrоugh the text оnсe аgаіn аnd choose the correct variant: 1. Lady Tichborne put advertisements in newspapers because a she wanted to contact her son on The Bella. c she thought that her son was still alive. b she didn't believe that The Bella had sunk. d her son hadn't written to her for a long time. 2. The Australian lawyer contacted Lady Tichborne because a he was her son. che saw one of the newspaper advertisements. b Arthur Orton had told him that he was. d Arthur Orton wanted to return to England. Sir Roger 3. When a former family servant met Orton in Australia a he was sure that Orton was Lady Tichborne's son because Orton could remember a lot of things about the family. b he didn't think that Orton was Lady Tichborne's son because he was fatter and his hair was a different colour. c he wasn't sure if Orton was Lady Tichborne's son. d he didn't think he was Lady Tichborne's son, but he told her that he was convinced. 4. Lady Tichborne a taught Orton to speak French when he arrived in Paris. b had taught Sir Roger to speak French. c could speak French, but Sir Roger hadn't learnt the language. d was so happy because Orton could speak French. 5. Lady Tichborne believed Orton was her son a and so did her family and friends. c but none of her family believed Orton. b but her family ignored Orton. d but some members of her family thought she was wrong. 6. At the trial a Orton admitted he wasn't Sir Roger. c Orton was found guilty. b the jury believed Orton's story. d 100 witnesses gave evidence.
Rich, advertisement, newspapers, announce, sunk, presumed, refused, lawyer, promise, fluently, corroborate.
1. Урок на тему: «Аудіювання та читання тексту» учителя ЗОШ № 126 Слободянюк Н. О., м. Одеса. 2. Т. В. Барамикова та ін. Практичний курс англійської мови — 2009 3. en.wіkіpedіа.оrg
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