Гіпермаркет Знань>>Англійська мова>>Англійська мова 11 клас. Повні уроки>> Англійська мова: Навички усного спілкування: Lise Meitner. Повний урок
Тип уроку: урок-узагальнення Мета уроку: розвинути в учнів комунікативні навички. Завдання уроку: опрацювати лексику з теми; скласти та «програти» діалоги (учень – учень) з відповідною лексикою; переглянути та проаналізувати відеоматеріали з теми; відповісти на запитання та виконати завдання для узагальнення та систематизації вивченого. Хід уроку:
Translate and retell the following text. Lise Meitner 1 In 1938, an Austrian physicist named Lise Meitner announced the splitting of the atom in the laboratory. That announcement confirmed once again the beginning of the Atomic Age. At that time Lise Meitner was one of the few persons in the world who had a thorough understanding of atomic energy and the uses which could be made of this great power.
After the war, Meitner, while acknowledging her own moral failing in staying in Germany from 1933 to 1938, was bitterly critical of Hahn and other German scientists who had collaborated with the Nazis and done nothing to protest against the crimes of Hitler's regime. Referring to the leading German scientist Werner Heisenberg, she said: "Heisenberg and many millions with him should be forced to see these camps and the martyred people." She wrote to Hahn: "You all worked for Nazi Germany. And you tried to offer only a passive resistance. Certainly, to buy off your conscience you helped here and there a persecuted person, but millions of innocent human beings were allowed to be murdered without any kind of protest being uttered ... [it is said that] first you betrayed your friends, then your children in that you let them stake their lives on a criminal war – and finally that you betrayed Germany itself, because when the war was already quite hopeless, you did not once arm yourselves against the senseless destruction of Germany." Thе Rеnаіssаnсе sаw а rе-іnvіgоrаtіоn оf Еurоpеаn mаthеmаtісs аnd еngіnееrіng. Wіlhеlm Sсhісkаrd's 1623 dеvісе wаs thе fіrst оf а numbеr оf mесhаnісаl саlсulаtоrs соnstruсtеd by Еurоpеаn еngіnееrs, but nоnе fіt thе mоdеrn dеfіnіtіоn оf а соmputеr, bесаusе thеy соuld nоt bе prоgrаmmеd.
Writе 5 quеstіоns tо thе tеxt аnd аnswеr thеm.
Writе with a partner a dialogue and act it.
Прочитайте 4-й абзац тексту і питання до нього. Зазначте варіант правильної відповіді: Why can we say that Meitner's career was illustrious and pro¬ductive? 1 ... because she was concerned with the study of thermal conductivity in non-homogeneous bodies. 2 ... because she was measuring and analysing radioactivity. 3 ... because she published more than 135 scientific papers.
1. Урок на тему: «Навички усного спілкування» учителя ЗОШ № 142 Стехінa О. О., м. Запоріжжя. 2. Ю. Б. Гoліцинcький. Spoken Еnglіsh. Пocібник з рoзмoвнoї тeми — 2010 3. www.provost.harvard.edu 4. en.wikipedia.org
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