Computerised education

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Lessons 5-6  Computerised education


1 Discuss these questions.

1 In what school subjects can computers be especially important? What for?
2 In what areas of your studies can you easily do without computers?



2 A. Find in the box the Russian equivalents to the words and phrases in bold.

. E-mail is much more (1) convenient than buying a stamp and an envelope and making a trip to the post office.
. The way we find the (2) solutions for our problems is becoming easier.
. Students must be taught not to totally (3) rely on computers.
. Computers (4) cheat students out of (5) mind-expanding experience.
. When I use the computer, I don't feel like I am (6) challenging myself.
. Students still need to be forced to (7) jog their brains.
. I am sure that (8) fundamentals like reading and math (9) rank higher.
. Computers may be soon (10) outdated and new technology will take Its place.
..... ............. .........
. a) Основы
. b) Тренировать мозг
. c) проверить / использовать свои умственные или физические возможности
. d) удобный
. e) полагаться на что-либо
. f) peшение
. g) быть важнее, чем что-то другое
. h) ycтареть
. i) pacширяющий умственные возможности
. j) лишают при помощи обмана

B. Read this essay about computerised education. Which of the statements is closest to the author's opinion?

a) Computer skills are more important than general learning skills.
b) Computer skills are important but they cannot replace general learning skills.
c) Computer skills cannot replace general learning skills.


C. Translate the highlighted phrases.

D. Look through &ach paragraph again and summarise it.

. Use Questions t-8 alongside the text for support.
E. Look through the text in ex. 28 again and answer the following questions.
Take notes of the right answers.

1 In Paragraph t, which of the three expressions in bold introduce:
a) an opinion?
b) an opposing argument?
c) a problem?

2 In Paragraph 2. whIch is:
a) the topic statement?
b) the illustrating statement?
How do you know?

3 What idea developed in Paragraph 3 is opposed
to the Idea of Paragraph 4?
How do you know?

4 In Paragraphs 5. 6, 7 what expressions In bold are used to:
a) express an opinion?
b) contrast ideas?

5 In Paragraph 8, which of the expressions in bold serves:
a) to add a new idea?
b) to summarise?

F. Copy the chart and fill it in using the facts from the text.

· Think of at least one more argument for and one more against.


Arguments for computerised education

Arguments against computerised education


3 A. Fill in the gaps with one of the words or phrases from the box.

a) Electronic encyclopaedia is very (1)... ,You can find a lot of information with a click of the mouse.
b) Finally we found a very good (2) '.. to our problem.
c) Of course, I will help you, You can (3) ... me.
d) Travelling is (4) ,.., as you can learn many new things about people's lives in other countries.
e) Although my grandpa is eighty he likes to do maths problems (5) ... .
f) They (6) '.. the old woman... her money by making her sign a document she didn't understand.
g) I (7) .., you to race me across the lake, I'm sure I'll win!
h) This model is too (8) ... . Nobody will use it any more
i) Maths. reading and Russian are (9) ... in Russian schools.
j) Human life (10) ... than any technological achievement.

. solution
: fundamentals
: outdated
. rely on
. to jog hIs braIn
. cheated out of
. challenge
. ranks higher
. a mind-expanding experience

B. Compose as many contrastive statements as you can.

· Add the most successful ones to your chart in ex. 3В.

Example: I find it humorous that any tnternet user has access to the best
libraries of the world, Yet it's true that not every computer user can read well.



4 In pairs discuss this idea and write an essay, expressing your opinion of this proposal.

. Follow the diagram below.


Parents and teachers concerned with the dramatic lowering of educational standards call for a limit on access to computers for
school children....


O. Л. Гроза, О. Б. Дворецкая, Н. Ю. Казырбаева, В. В. Клименко, М. Л. Мичурина, Н. В. Новикова, Т. Н. Рыжкова, Е. Ю. Шалимова, Английский язык нового тысячелентия, Учебник английского языка для 10 класса общеобразовательных учреждений. — 2-е изд. — М. Титул, 2004. — 175 с, ; ил.

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Содержание урока
1236084776 kr.jpg конспект урока
1236084776 kr.jpg опорный каркас  
1236084776 kr.jpg презентация урока
1236084776 kr.jpg акселеративные методы 
1236084776 kr.jpg интерактивные технологии 

1236084776 kr.jpg задачи и упражнения 
1236084776 kr.jpg самопроверка
1236084776 kr.jpg практикумы, тренинги, кейсы, квесты
1236084776 kr.jpg домашние задания
1236084776 kr.jpg дискуссионные вопросы
1236084776 kr.jpg риторические вопросы от учеников
1236084776 kr.jpg аудио-, видеоклипы и мультимедиа 
1236084776 kr.jpg фотографии, картинки 
1236084776 kr.jpg графики, таблицы, схемы
1236084776 kr.jpg юмор, анекдоты, приколы, комиксы
1236084776 kr.jpg притчи, поговорки, кроссворды, цитаты

1236084776 kr.jpg рефераты
1236084776 kr.jpg статьи 
1236084776 kr.jpg фишки для любознательных 
1236084776 kr.jpg шпаргалки 
1236084776 kr.jpg учебники основные и дополнительные
1236084776 kr.jpg словарь терминов                          
1236084776 kr.jpg прочие 

Совершенствование учебников и уроков
1236084776 kr.jpg исправление ошибок в учебнике
1236084776 kr.jpg обновление фрагмента в учебнике 
1236084776 kr.jpg элементы новаторства на уроке 
1236084776 kr.jpg замена устаревших знаний новыми 
Только для учителей
1236084776 kr.jpg идеальные уроки 
1236084776 kr.jpg календарный план на год  
1236084776 kr.jpg методические рекомендации  
1236084776 kr.jpg программы
1236084776 kr.jpg обсуждения

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