Практичні: вдосконалювати навички монологічного мовлення, вдосконалювати навички аудіювання з детальним розумінням, розвивати вміння виконувати тест перехресного вибору для контролю розуміння.
Розвиваюча: сприяти розвитку уваги, пам’яті, аналітичного мислення учнів.
Освітня: розширювати мовний кругозір учнів, ознайомити з основними етапами англійської історії та іторичними персоналіями.
Виховна: виховувати дисциплінованість, допитливість учнів, заохочувати до творчих прийомів у вивченні іноземних мов, спонукати до взаємоповаги та взаємодопомоги.
ноутбук, зображення відомих людей Великобританії, аудіозапис пісні, роздатковий матеріал.
Хід уроку
Організаційний момент (2 хв).
Вчитель: Hello! How are you? Take your seats, please. Who is absent? Do you know what the matter is? O.k., thank you. Write down the date to your copybooks.
Мовленнєва зарядка (3 хв).
Вчитель: What is the weather like today? Do you like it or not? (Учні відповідають). I see. And what do you think is the weather like in Britain? Is it sunny or rainy? (Відповіді).
Презентація монологічних висловлювань на тему «History of Great Britain» (12 хв).
Вчитель: It was not by chance that I mentioned Great Britain in our conversation. Our subject for today’s discussion is the history of the UK. I expect it to be interesting for you. We will start with analyzing British history in brief. I will write a period on the blackboard and you will tell me what you know about this time in the history of the British Isles. Deal? O.k., let us go!
- Prehistoric Britain - Roman conquest - Germanic invasions - Norman Conquest - XVI century. The War of the Roses - XVII century - XVIII century - Victorian Britain - New British history
Вчитель: Very well, thank you! I liked your answers very much!
Виконання тесту на перехресний вибір (5 хв).
Вчитель: And now I will check out how good you were at remembering facts from the British history. You are to do the test about its periods. At the copies in front of you there are eight titles that you should refer to these periods written on the blackboard. Prehistoric Britain is an odd one in the list. You have 5 minutes to accomplish the task! (Учні виконують тест). Вчитель: Let’s check it out! You are completely right!
Гра «Впізнай людину на фото» (10 хв).
Вчитель: Do you know whom is the history created by? Yes, you are right – people make history with their lives and acts. Every country has its own famous people whose role in the history was enormous. So does Great Britain. And now I would like to find out whether you know some outstanding personalities from the British history. I will show you pictures and photos of these people and you should name the person and tell me what he or she is/was. Use examples written on the blackboard. But don’t cry out! Come on!
Alex Ferguson (football player & manager), Charles Dickens (writer), David Beckham (football player), David Coulthard (Formula-1 racer), David Craig (actor), Diana Spencer (Prince Charles’ ex-wife), Elisabeth II (Queen of the UK), George Byron (poet), Sting (Gordon Matthew Thomas Sumner – singer), Isaac Newton (scientist & philosopher), Joan Rowling (writer, author of “Harry Potter” book series), Prince Charles (Prince of Wales, official heir), Elton John (Reginald Kenneth Dwight – singer & composer), Sean Connery (actor), Victoria Adams-Beckham (singer & designer), William Shakespeare (poet & playwright), Winston Churchill (Prime-Minister during WWII), Paul McCartney (singer from “The Beatles”).
Alex Ferguson
Charles Dickens
Elisabeth II
Вчитель: Very well!
Аудіювання пісні (7 хв).
Вчитель: And now we will relax a bit. We mentioned “The Beatles”, great English band, so that is why I suggest our listening to one of their songs. Everybody knows its title and its music, but few of us know its sense. It is … “Yesterday”, you are right. You have texts of this song, but there are some blanks there. After the first listening, you have to fill them out. And then let’s sing together!
Завершення уроку (3 хв).
Вчитель: I hope you enjoyed this lesson as I did. You were amazing, and your marks for today are: … Thank you very much! Good-bye! Have a nice evening!
“Yesterday” by “The Beatles”
Yesterday all my _________ seemed so far away Now it looks as though they’re here to ______ Oh, I _________ in yesterday
Suddenly I’m not half the man I used to ___ There’s a ________ hanging over me Oh, yesterday came ___________
Chorus: Why she had to ____? I don’t ______, she wouldn’t say I said something ______ Now I long for ___________
Yesterday ______ was such an easy game to _____ Now I _____ a place to hide away Oh, I _________ in yesterday
Nobody knows what it was built for, perhaps Druid temple or perhaps an astronomical calculator. Work started on it in 3100 BC and it was continuously being built, used and modified until 1100 BC.
After 1100 BC it fell into disuse, again nobody knows why. The stones on the site were used by the local people as a convenient source for building houses and road making. Even up to 100 years ago, local farmers used the stones from Stonehenge for road building and other construction work.
It was given to the nation in 1918, and the government has been responsible for maintaining the monument since then.
The Norman conquest of England began in 1066 AD with the invasion of the Kingdom of England by the troops of William, Duke of Normandy ("William the Conqueror"), and his victory at the Battle of Hastings. This resulted in Norman control of England, which was firmly established during the next few years. The Norman Conquest was a pivotal event in English history for several reasons. It largely removed the native ruling class, replacing it with a foreign, French-speaking aristocracy. This in turn brought about a transformation of the English language and the culture of England. By subjecting the country to rulers originating in France it linked England more closely with continental Europe, lessening Scandinavian influence, and set the stage for a rivalry with France that would continue for more than eight centuries. It also had important consequences for the rest of the British Isles, giving the way for further Norman invasions in Wales and Ireland.
Використані джерела
Урок на тему "The History of Great Britain" учителя Абраменко О.В., учитель вечірньої (змінної) середньої загальноосвітньої школи №18 м. Києва
Над уроком працювали:
Абраменко О.В.
Любименко В.В.
Cкoмпoнoвaнo та відредагoвaнo Любименко В.В.
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