Song Sheets

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Song Sheets

Module 1

1 Look at the picture and the title of the song. What do you think the song is about? Listen, read and check your answers.

Song Sheets

Take a look at your family tree
Spreading back through history
Learn the names and hold them dear
Without them you would not be here

Family ties are the ties that bind
The strongest links you'll ever find
Through good and bad, it's plain to see
The closest bond is family

Treasure all of your relations
From all of the generations
In the future, in the past
Family will last and last

2   How important is family to the singer?

3 a THINK!  How important is family to you? Give reasons.

b What was the most important thing your parents taught you?


4  THINK!   Discuss the following:

•    To understand your parents' love, you must raise children yourself.
•    An ounce of blood is worth more that a pound of friendship.
•    Blood is thicker than water.

Module 2

1  Look at the title of the song. How could it be related to the phrases below? Listen, read and check your answers.

    aren't fun • on my own • leave me alone
    be yourself • sets you free • leave you behind

PEER Prossure

Friends who pressure me aren't fun
I'm better on my own
Please take me for who I am
Or just leave me alone

I will be your greatest friend
If you're a friend to me
A good friend lets you be yourself
A good friend sets you free

I'm an individual
I make up my own mind
If you try to pressure me
I'll just leave you behind


2   What makes someone a good friend according to the singer?

3 THINK! " To   have a good friend you need to be a good friend." Do you agree with this statement? Give reasons.


4 THINK!   Discuss the following:

•    If you can buy a person's friendship, it's not worth having.
•    True friends have hearts that beat as one.
•    Make friends before you need them.

Module 3

1   Read the title of the song. Which rights can a person stand up for? Listen, read and check which of your ideas are in the song.

Everyone is equal
That's what we should all believe
But a perfect and a fair world
Is not easy to achieve
To be safe and to be happy
To be treated with respect
These are just the basic rights
Which we should all expect

Stand up for your human rights
De fend them with your heart S
tand up for your human rights
We all must do our part
Join the fight for freedom
 It belongs to me and you
And find the strength inside you
To stand up for others, too

There are people in the world
Who have their rights denied
They're not free to live their lives
To choose or to decide
We take our rights for granted
We are used to being free
And we forget those people
Who don't live as happily

2  Why should we defend our human rights according to the singer?

3 THINK!  If the whole world were listening to you, what would you tell them about human rights?


4  THINK!  Discuss the following:

•    Live and let live.
•    United we stand, divided we fall.

1  Read the title of the song. How are these key words related to it? Listen and read to find out.

    disaster strikes • risks and challenges • dangers
    may face • survive • get me down • be alive
    get through • take them in my stride
    conquer me • run and hide • determination
    give it up easily • win • beat me      


Sometimes in life, disaster strikes
It happens every day
Life brings risks and challenges
And troubles come your way
Whatever dangers I may face
I know that I'll survive
I'll never let life get me down
I'm glad to be alive

I'll survive against all odds
I know that I'll get through
As long as I stay positive
There's nothing I can't do

No matter what my problems are
I'll take them in my stride
I'll never let them conquer me
I'll never run and hide
I've got determination
I don't give up easily
I'd take on the world and win
No problem can beat me

2   How does the singer face the problems? Is he a fighter or not? Give reasons.

3 THINK! How would you describe motivation? What do you do to keep yourself motivated?


4 THINK!  Discuss the following:

•    Something is better than nothing.
•    Strike while the iron is hot.
•    The first step is the hardest.
•    The proof of the pudding is in the eating.
•    Lightening never strikes twice in the same place.

Module 5

1   How does the picture make you feel? How can it be related to the song? Listen and read to find out.


Take a look around you
As you hurry home tonight
See the huddled figures
In the fading evening light
They've got no place to call their own
They've got nowhere to go
A park bench or a doorway
Is the only home they know

People on the streets
Are lonely people we don't see
Living on the streets
But they are just like you and me
Feeling cold and scared
So many dangers everywhere
Feeling all alone
They need our help, they need our care

They're not so very different
They're people just like you
Their lives have brought them troubles
There was nothing they could do
Forced to live out on the streets
They've nowhere left to turn
They're no one's friend or family
They're nobody's concern

2  How does the singer feel for those living on the streets?

3  THINK!   Imagine yourself living on the streets. What would it be like?


4  THINK!    Discuss the following:

•    A friend in need is a friend indeed.
•    A man's home is his castle.
•    A rolling stone gathers no moss.
•    Beggars can't be choosers.
•    Charity begins at home.

Module 6

1   In a minute write as many words as possible related to space. Listen, read and say which of these words are in the song.


Spaceships cross the galaxy
To planets strange and new
Searching for a sign of life
Searching for a clue
In this massive universe
Could other life exist?
Perhaps they've sent us messages
A signal that we've missed

Is anyone else out there?
In the vast and great unknown
Is anyone else out there?
Can we really be alone?

Where could these new life forms be?
Are they like you and I?
Do they have great intelligence?
Do they laugh and cry?
Do they live in families?
Do they work and play?
Are they searching for us, too?
I hope we'll meet someday

2  Does the singer believe there is life on other planets?

3  THINK!  If you could choose to live on another planet, which one would you choose? Why?

4  THINK!   Discuss the following:

•    Seeing is believing.
•    The more one knows, the less one believes.
•    There are two sides to every question.

Module 7

1   Read the title of the song.  What do you think the song is about? Listen and read to find out.


Everybody has a dream
It may be great or small
Dreams can bring us joy and hope
To get us through it all
Every dream is quite unique
No two dreams are the same
Perhaps you dream of finding love
Perhaps you dream of fame

You have to hang on to your drear
Don't let them slip away
Believe in them and you will see
They will come true someday
Anything is possible
However hard it seems
Just be strong, think positive
And hold on to your dreams

Everybody has a goal
That they hope to achieve
And you can make it happen
If you truly do believe
All the power is in your hands
It's really up to you
Picture it, imagine it
And make your dream come true

2  Why should we hang on to our dreams according to the singer?

3  THINK!   If you could change something about your life, what would that be? Give reasons.


4  THINK!   Discuss the following:

•    If at first you don't succeed, try, try, try again.
•    Where there's a will, there's a way.
•    Success has many fathers, while failure is an orphan.

Module 8    

1   Read the title of the song. In what context do you expect to find the phrases below.
Listen, read and check your answers.

    mystic places • lost in history • ancient people
    world of wonders • secrets left • lost cities

We know of mystic places
Some in ruins, but not gone
Temples and lost cities
Where the magic still lives on
Monuments and statues
From so many years ago
How or why they came to be
We'll never really know

The world is full of mysteries
And things we can't explain
The truth is lost in history
The magic will remain

Science tells us many things
We never dreamed we'd know
It seems there's nothing we can't do
And nowhere we can't go
But in our world of wonders
There are secrets left to find
The mysteries and puzzles
Ancient peoples left behind


2   How do ancient places make the singer feel?

3  THINK!  Imagine you could travel back in time. Where would you go? Give reasons.


4  THINK!  Discuss the following:

•    Wonders will never cease.
•    Truth is stranger than fiction.

Английский язык. 11 класс : учеб. для общеобразоват. учреждений / [О.В. Афанасьева, Дж.Дули, И.В. Михеева и др.]. - 2-е изд., доп. и перераб. - М.: Express Publishing : Просвещение, 2009. - 244 с. : ил. - (Английский в фокусе).

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Содержание урока
1236084776 kr.jpg конспект урока
1236084776 kr.jpg опорный каркас  
1236084776 kr.jpg презентация урока
1236084776 kr.jpg акселеративные методы 
1236084776 kr.jpg интерактивные технологии 

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1236084776 kr.jpg практикумы, тренинги, кейсы, квесты
1236084776 kr.jpg домашние задания
1236084776 kr.jpg дискуссионные вопросы
1236084776 kr.jpg риторические вопросы от учеников

1236084776 kr.jpg аудио-, видеоклипы и мультимедиа 
1236084776 kr.jpg фотографии, картинки 
1236084776 kr.jpg графики, таблицы, схемы
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1236084776 kr.jpg словарь терминов                          
1236084776 kr.jpg прочие 

Совершенствование учебников и уроков
1236084776 kr.jpg исправление ошибок в учебнике
1236084776 kr.jpg обновление фрагмента в учебнике 
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Только для учителей
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1236084776 kr.jpg календарный план на год  
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