Christmas is in thе air

Гипермаркет знаний>>Английский язык>>Английский язык 6 класс>> Christmas is in thе air!


1 Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker.


2    What do you associate Christmas with? Say as many words as you can.

3    Listen to the conversation and match parts of the text with the pictures.

Alice: Hi, Rosy. How are you?
Rosy: I'm fine. It's so nice in London.
Alice: What is happening?
Rosy: November is the beginning of Christmastime and I love Christmas.


а)  In big cities the shops are open every day and there are beautiful Christmas trees and decorations in the windows. People go out and buy presents. There are a lot of nice things in the shops, so you can find very good presents ewerywhere. I like to do Christmas shopping and listen to Christmas songs.

b)  There is a Christmas tree in every house and everybody decorates it together. In the evening they drink hot chocolate by the Christmas tree and talk about Christmas miracles. Every Saturday before Christmas our friends organize big parties. They are fun!

c) Children write letters to Santa Claus. In the letters they tell Santa Claus what they want for Christmas and promise to be good in the coming year. Santa always brings them something, so everybody is happy.

d) On Christmas Day nobody works, so all the family is together. On the morning of the 25th of December children find a lot of presents in their stockings. Then everybody has Christmas dinner. There is always a turkey and Christmas pudding on the table.
4 Read the text of the conversation

1.    Christmastime in Britain begins

a)    in December.
b)    in November.
c)    in October.

2.    Before Christmas everybody buys

a)    presents.
b)    food.
c)    Christmas trees.
d)    all of these things.

3.    There are a lot of Christmas parties for friends

a)    in November.
b)    in December.
c)    on Christmas Day.

4. Children write letters to

a)    Santa Claus.
b)    the Queen.
c)    Big Ben.

5.    Christmas is on

a)    25 December.
b)    24 December.
c)    31 December.

6.    Children find Christmas presents

a)    in their shoes.
b)    in their stockings.
c)    under the Christmas tree.

7.    Traditional Christmas food is

a)    turkey and chocolate cake.
b)    chicken and Christmas pudding.
c)    turkey and Christmas pudding.
5 Answer the questions. Give some more information from the text.

Model:Is there anything in the shop windows before Christmas? — Yes,
           there is. There are beautiful Christmas trees in the shop windows.

1.    Do people buy anything before Christmas?
2.    What does everybody decorate before Christmas?
3.    Do children write letters to anybody before Christmas?
4.    The shops are open every day everywhere, aren't they?
5.    Does anybody work on 25th December?
6.    Does anybody organize parties before Christmas?
7.    Do people usually organize big parties on Christmas Day?
2-10-17.jpg Letters to Santa Claus

There's a beautiful tradition in England. Before Christmas children write letters to Santa Claus.

Read a typical letter to Santa Claus and answer the following questions.

1.    What do children write about?
2.    What do they want from Santa?
3.    What do they promise?

Dear Santa!

My name is Sarah. I live in Chester with my Mum, Pad and my little sister Natasha.

I'm usually nice to Natasha and I help Mum cook breakfast on Sundays. I really want a new bicycle for Christmas. Will you give it to me, Santa?

I promise I'll be good next year. I'll get only good marks at school, I'll always do my homework and I'll always be nice to Natasha. I'll never watch TV until 6 a.m. again!

Bye Santa,
Sarah Higgins

Presents in their stockings. Согласно рождественской легенде жил в давние времена один знатный, но очень бедный человек. У него умерла жена, и он остался один с тремя дочерьми. Девушки не могли выйти замуж, поскольку у них не было приданого.

Однажды в канун Рождества они выстирали чулки и развесили их перед камином. Санта-Клаус решил помочь бесприданницам и бросил в каждый чулок по золотому слитку, чтобы они смогли выйти замуж. С тех пор в рождественскую ночь дети в Англии развешивают чулки перед камином, а утром находят в них подарки.

6 Describe the pictures. What's happening?
Use somebody, something, everybody, everything etc



A Answer the questions.

1.    Do Russian children write letters to anybody on New Year's Eve?
2.    Who do Russian children write to?
3.    What do they write about?
4.    Do they want anything?
5.    Do they promise anything?
6.    When do they write their letters?
7.    Do Russian children find anything in their stockings?
8.    Where do Russian children find their presents?

В Write a letter to Santa Claus. Here are some ideas:

be good, do sports, read books, eat a lot of chocolate, eat a lot of fruit and vegetables, help Mum, be nice to granny, walk the dog every morning, be the best in the class, learn to swim, learn to cook

С Count: How many times can you see the word CHRISTMAS in this lesson?

К. И. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман Английский язык: Счастливый английский.ру / Happy Учебник англ. яз. для 6 кл. общеобраз. учрежд.— Обнинск: Титул, 2008.— 288 с: ил.

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