Litter lasts longer than us. Grammar Артикль

Гипермаркет знаний>>Английский язык>>Английский язык 7 класс>> Litter lasts longer than us. Grammar Артикль


1 Listen and read.

environment 9-10-2.jpg — окружающая среда
ecological 9-10-3.jpg — экологический
in fact — на самом деле
to breathe 9-10-4.jpg — дышать
to last — длиться (зд. сохраняться)
to drop — зд. бросать
still — все еще a
plant — растение
a leaf — лист
a shower 9-10-5.jpg — душ  
8-10-42.jpg Guess the meaning of the underlined words.

1.    This factory is bad for the environment. It pollutes the atmosphere 9-10-6.jpg with toxins and dangerous chemicals ['kemiklz],
2.    The Russian climate 9-10-7.jpg is very cold in winter.

Артикль (The Article)

Артикль the употребляется с предметами и понятиями, которые являются единственными в своем роде: the universe the ground the sky the environment the world the atmosphere.

Артикль the употребляется с названиями планет: the sun the moon the Earth.

Без артикля употребляются названия таких планет, как: Mars, Venus, Jupiter.

2    Write the, a or — (no article). Correct the false statements.

1.    ... moon goes round ... sun.
2.    ... forests and ... oceans are a part of ... environment.
3.    If you look at ... sky in the morning, you can sometimes see ... moon.
4.    The people of ... world must help the animals.
5.    ... Earth is the biggest planet in ... universe.

3    What must Misha and Rob's friends do with the litter? What can't they do with it? Match the answers with the explanations.

1. Burn it.   

2. Bury it under the ground.   

3. Take it with them.

a)    They can't do this because litter lasts for a long time. In fact, tins and plastic bottles last for 500 years and glass lasts forever!
b)    They  will have to do this!
c)    They can't do this, because the toxins from the litter will pollute the atmosphere.
4  In groups. Answer the questions and discuss: What does the word "environment" mean to you?

1.    oceans, rivers, seas, lakes, forests and animals
2.    oceans, rivers, seas, lakes, forests, animals, cars, plants and cities
3.    oceans, rivers, seas, lakes and forests, animals, cars, plants, cities and people
4.    oceans, rivers, seas, lakes and forests, animals, cars, plants, cities, people and YOU

5 When we say the Earth is in danger, what exactly is in danger?

1.    the planet                    5. the animals    
2.    the climate                  6. all of these — все вышеназванное
3.    the oceans                  7. all of these and YOU
4.    the forests

6 Misha, Rob and their friends are cleaning the place and writing a poem. Listen to the poem.
Who is speaking in:

the first verse (куплет)?
the second verse?
the third verse?
the fourth verse?
the refrain (припев)?

7 Listen again. Number the words in the order you hear them.

30-09-8.jpg    to drop
30-09-8.jpg    shower     
30-09-8.jpg    trees
30-09-8.jpg    to cut down
30-09-8.jpg    bath
30-09-8.jpg    litter
30-09-8.jpg    to have

30-09-8.jpg    rivers
30-09-8.jpg    air
30-09-8.jpg    to drink    
30-09-8.jpg    to breathe
30-09-8.jpg    water
30-09-8.jpg    to save

2-10-38.jpg Make as many expressions as you can with these words.
Model: to drink water

8  Read the poem and give it a name.
Choose from:

1.    Today and tomorrow!
2.    Save the environment!
3.    Oceans, forests and animals!
4.    Please, stop!


Today you are going camping
With your family, friends or class.
Please help us, don't drop any litter!
Cos* your litter lives longer than us!

Refrain: 'Cos nothing is forever  
And nature is getting tired.
If we don't stop and think today
Tomorrow the Earth could die.


Today you cut down your forests
But the planet needs our leaves.
Please stop it because tomorrow
You'll have no air to breathe!


You can have a bath or a shower
But today is the time to think.
Save the rivers because without them
You'll have no water to drink.


Today we are still in your forests,
In the sky, in the rivers, but look:
Don't kill us! Because your children
Will see us in picture books.


9  Add suffixes to these verbs and make nouns.

inform, situate, protect, pollute, organise

10 Match the nouns with the translations.

загрязнение, информация, организация, защита, ситуация

* 'cos = because

11 Fill in the gaps with the words from Ex. 9. Sometimes you need a noun and sometimes you need a verb. What does Greenpeace do? Listen and check your answers.


Our ... wants to ... the environment.
We fight against water and air ... .
Are you unhappy with the ecological ... in your region?
Send us some ... about it and we'll try to help.


A Choose the right answers. More than one answer can be right.

1. What mustn't you do with litter?

a) Burn it.
b) Drop it.
c) Take it home.

2.    Plants

a) grow in the forest
b) pollute air
c) grow in the sea

3.    Greenpeace

a) protects animals
b) protects people
c) protects oceans, rivers, seas and lakes

4.    We can help animals if we

a) put them in the zoo
b) don't kill them
c) don't cut down the forests

5.    We can help the fish if

a) we don't pollute the oceans, rivers and lakes
b) everybody buys an aquarium

c) we don't use so much water

В Find the mistakes.

1.    1 see the plane in a sky.
2.    A lot of factories pollute our the atmosphere.
3.    Sun is a biggest star in our galaxy (Галактика).
4.    People went to moon in the 20th century.

С Translate into English.

1.    Животные, растения, моря и океаны нуждаются в нашей помощи.
2.    Окружающая среда находится в опасности.
3.    Вода в этой реке загрязнена.
4.    Люди дышат воздухом и пьют воду.

К. И. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман Английский язык: Счастливый английский.ру / Happy Учебник англ. яз. для 7 кл. общеобраз. учрежд.— Обнинск: Титул, 2008.— 288 с: ил.

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