3c Grammar in Use

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Grammar in Use

-ing form/ to-infinitive/infinitive

Without >> Grammar Reference

1  Read the text and find all the -ing and infinitive forms.


"You might think I'm mad,but I don't mind helping  with the housework. I quite enjoy cleaning in  fact! Some teenagers get so upset about helping out, but I think we should do our fair    share. In our family, my brother was always thinking up excuses to get out of his chores, so my mum drew up a chore chart! She's reasonable, though. She wants us to take our responsibilities seriously, but if my brother or I are too busy to help because we have exams, for example, she lets us take it easy for a while!"

Which form do we use after:

prepositions?  too/enogh constructions?
verbs of preference e. g. like, hate?
modal verbs? look forward to?  let/make?
can't stand/help/imagine?  don't mind?
how about etc?   to express purpose?
want?  remind etc?  can't wait?

2 Put the wards in braskets into the correct form of the infinitive, -ing form or infinitive without to. Give reasons.

1  How about...... (order) a pizza tonight?

2  I would like .......... (be) a politician when l'm older.

3  My mum made me ......... (tell) her where I had been.

4  It's too late ...... (apply) for the job. The closing date was yesterday.

5  We love ...... (play) board games as a family.

6  She went to school without ........... (eat) any breakfast.

7  It was wery unusual for Mum.............(shout) like that.

8    There's no point in ......     (put) so many things into the bag. It will just break!

9    I'd love......    (see) your new puppy!

10    Dan keeps .............(forget) to do his chores!

11    You must............... (report) the incident to the police, Charles!

12    Do you fancy ...............(go) to the cinema this evening?

3  Use appropriate infinitiveI-ing forms to tell a  partner something:

•    you regret
•    you'd like
•    you're looking forward to
•    you can't stand
•    you avoid
•    you've always wanted
•    you're used to
•    you've stopped

> I regret being unkind to my little brother yesterday.


In teams, take turns to add a sentence to the story, using the verbs below.

•    decide • look forward to • can't wait • try
•    forget • be afraid • stop • remember • see
•    be happy

> Team AS1: Last summer, my friend and I decided to go on holiday together.
    Team BS1: We were really...

Verbs taking infinitive or -ing form without a change
in meaning >> Grammar Reference

4  A  Compare the sentences. How do they differ  in meaning.

1    a) He continued shouting,
       b) He continued to shout.

2    a)    He advised me to call the police.
      b)    He advised calling the police.
      c)    We were advised to call the police.

3    a)    You need to mow the grass.
      b)    The grass needs mowing.
      c)    The grass needs to be mowed.

b Fill in the gaps with an appropriate -ing/infinitive form.

•    Remember that some shops only allow you 1)............    (pay) by credit card if you have additional ID.

•    We encourage you 2)..............(sign) your new card before you start 3)    .......(use) it.

•    In the event of your card 4)    ...........(be) stolen or lost, we advise 5)    ........(report) the loss as soon as possible.

•    The bank needs 6)............... (notify) immediately if you change your address.

•    Banks do not permit you 7)...............(exceed) your credit limit.

                                             Verbs taking infinitive or -ing form

                                 with a change in meaning >> Grammar Reference

5  a  Read the pairs of sentences and discuss how they differ in meaning.

1    a) I remember locking the front door.
        b) He remembered to pick up his sister.

2    a) Sam forgot to take out the rubbish,
        b) I'll never forget going to London.

3    a) We stopped to eat lunch.
        b) I've stopped watching so much TV.

4    a) Try sharing the household chores. It's much fairer,
        b) I tried to reach the shelf, but I couldn't.

5    a) I'd prefer to go to the cinema tonight,
        b) I prefer watching soap operas.

6    a) I washed the dishes, then went on to vacuum the carpets,
        b) Adam went on talking for hours!

b Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. Give reasons.

1    A: You haven't stopped .............(use) that credit card, have you?
      B: I know. I really can't go on..........(spend) so much.

2    A: Did you remember.............. (buy) the meat for dinner?
      B: Oops! I remembered everything else, but I completely forgot........(do) that!

3    A: I remember ........... (go) to the bank to pay that bill, but I can't find the receipt.
      B: Try............(call) them to see if they have a record of the transaction.

4    A: Could you stop ................. (buy) some drinks for the party on your way home?
      B: Sure! I'll try    (call) Tim to invite him too. I couldn't reach him earlier.

5    A: James is going on.............(study) law after he finishes school.
      B: Oh really? I thought he preferred .............(learn) languages.

                                               Phrasal verbs (keep)

6  Fill in: up with; back; on; down; away. Check in Appendix 2. Make sentences using the phrasals.

1    Can you keep the noise .............? I can't hear myself speak! (cause to stay at lower level)

2    If you keep ............. missing classes, you won't pass your exams, (continue)

3    She kept........... some vital information from the police, (hide/conceal)

4    Keep...............from that boy! He's nothing but trouble! (avoid/stay far from)

5    I can't keep school work and have a part-time job as well! (manage to do/ understand all)

   Dependent prepositions

7  Complete the sentences with: against, for, into, with, of. Check in Appendix 1. Make sentences using the phrases.

1    Julie is responsible............watering the plants every morning.
2    Littering is............the law in Singapore.
3    Jan was charged...............dangerous driving.
4    What are the requirements.................the course?
5    The con man tricked him my credit card details.

                                           Sentence transformations

8   Complete the sentences using the words in bold. Use two to five words.

1    We need to weed the garden this weekend, needs The garden..........this weekend.

2    She has been learning to dance since last year. began She.................last year.

3    I wish I hadn't told everyone Mary's secret, regret I..............everyone Mary's secret.

4    No one was listening, but he continued speaking. on He ...............even though no one was listening.

5    We were advised by the police not to go outside. stay The police..............indoors.

Английский язык. 11 класс : учеб. для общеобразоват. учреждений / [О.В. Афанасьева, Дж.Дули, И.В. Михеева и др.]. - 2-е изд., доп. и перераб. - М.: Express Publishing : Просвещение, 2009. - 244 с. : ил. - (Английский в фокусе).

онлайн библиотека с учебниками и книгами, планы конспектов уроков по английскому языку, задания по английскому языку 11 класса скачать

Содержание урока
1236084776 kr.jpg конспект урока
1236084776 kr.jpg опорный каркас  
1236084776 kr.jpg презентация урока
1236084776 kr.jpg акселеративные методы 
1236084776 kr.jpg интерактивные технологии 

1236084776 kr.jpg задачи и упражнения 
1236084776 kr.jpg самопроверка
1236084776 kr.jpg практикумы, тренинги, кейсы, квесты
1236084776 kr.jpg домашние задания
1236084776 kr.jpg дискуссионные вопросы
1236084776 kr.jpg риторические вопросы от учеников

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1236084776 kr.jpg словарь терминов                          
1236084776 kr.jpg прочие 

Совершенствование учебников и уроков
1236084776 kr.jpg исправление ошибок в учебнике
1236084776 kr.jpg обновление фрагмента в учебнике 
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Только для учителей
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1236084776 kr.jpg методические рекомендации  
1236084776 kr.jpg программы
1236084776 kr.jpg обсуждения

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