Requirements to the Perfect Lessons

Requirements to the Perfect Lessons

The Perfect Lessons lies beyond our education system, which, we consider, is already an antiquated notion. Most progressive scientists speak with conviction about that, the parents are concerned, and the most country leaders emphasize on that. They are perceived strongly that nowadays education is out of real new knowledge, which does not meet the challenge of XXI century.

They hold heated disputes about new educational basement. This leads to understanding that it is not just a list of subjects, which were not changed through 500 years. These are blocks of cases, trainings, practices, sintells (synthesized intellectual cases). The blocks contain knowledge, skills, and are erected on a new basement, which is systematic, involving mental work and intuition, and is aimed to gain the result. The result is considered to be gained when a child is developed to obtain a better position in his life until 22-25 years old, but in respect with his motivation, skills, knowledge, abilities, and ambitions.

This system is also dubbed as “Human Faced Education System”
Basic parameters and requirements are described in the table. The teacher must only pick up the necessary items from the menu and to design the lesson.
Let’s see the set for a lesson made by the teacher K., which he matched underlying in the menu.
Versions and forms of “Perfect Lessons”

Versions and forms of “Perfect Lessons”

List of requirements






Place of the lesson

In the classroom 

In the hall

На природе

В другом месте (музей, магазин, спортплощадка)

Manner of the lesson 




Всем классом

Projected result

Only knowledge

New knowledge

Активные знания

Пассивные знания

Практические умения и навыки

Motivation of students

Marks and rating

Parents’ feedback

Похвала учителя

Самоутверждение среди своих


Technical means

Computers, video, internet

Mobile, projectors, screens

Раздаточный материал

Учебники и задачники

Видеомосты с другими школами и странами

Cross knowledge

Connection with other subjects and sintells

Connection with other phenomenon and cases

Увязывание знаний с жизнью взрослых

Увязывание знаний с обществом

Увязывание с прошлым и будущим

Interactive: ration for students and teachers talks

Only teacher

Children 20%, Teacher 80% 

Половину времени – дети, половину – учитель

Дети – 80 %, учитель – 20%

Дети 100%

Structure of the lesson

Eventless an monotonous 

2-3 changes of impression

5-10 смен впечатлений и акцентов

Постоянное переключение внимания


Teacher - pupil

students by two

Ученики командами

Ученики самостоятельно

Accelerated pauses

3-5 minutes (songs, chants, trainings)

1-3-5-minutes tests to check active erudition (must know) 

Переключение внимания. Эффект – урок пролетел незаметно (или наоборот – тянулся так долго).


В конце урока ученики аплодируют учителю (а не вскакивают и убегают). Очень сильный воспитательный приём.



Graphics and tables

Кинофрагменты, включение телепрограмм и спутникового ТВ.

Картины и картинки



Regulated, dosed 



Самостоятельная работа (self-study)

Lesson length

Regulated, dosed
30 min

45 min

90 минут


Rhetorical and “childish” questions from students

2-3 questions

Teacher responds

Отвечают другие ученики

Задание кому-то на дом

To teach what is unknown


1 theme (academic dispute)

Несколько тем

Акцент на развитие не только коэффициента интеллекта IQ, но и эмоционального коэффициента EQ, а также лидерского коэффициента LQ.

Пропорция учебной информации: 80% - учить тому, что известно, и 20% тому, что неизвестно или проблемно.

Readiness to place on the web-page



Не готовность

How many times the lesson was held?



Больше 5

Evaluation of not only strong knowledge of the lesson


Time trial task

Социализация (взаимопомощь и т.п.)

Длительная интенсивность внимания ученика


Unusual, new, and creative teaching techniques (including nonacademic)



Мозговой штурм

Перегруппировка параллелей («а» и «б»)

Учитель решил рассказать детям короткую притчу